Any Dropbox users here? I just started an account and I'm wondering about a few things.
I set up its directory in $HOME, i.e., ~/Dropbox. From the [admittedly extremely little] reading I did, it seems that you're supposed to place directories *IN* your DB directory in order to have them sync. In their terminology, you 'drag and drop your files here.' But when I tried that--using DB's interface--it MOVED the files and/or directories. Um...that's neither desirable nor workable for me.
So my first question is, is that correct? Is that the idea? For example, let's say I have a ~/whatever subdirectory, is it now supposed to be ~/Dropbox/whatever? Or my /data/mail/[account1], /data/mail/[account2], etc., directories...are they supposed to be moved into the DB directory? ~/Dropbox/mail/[account1], ~/Dropbox/mail/[account2], etc.? That won't work.
So my next choice seems to be copying files/directories into the DB directory. But I don't want double the space taken up for each item.
Okay, so since it's *nix, how about symbolic links? I can link things there, and that seems okay, but I'm just not sure...about any of it right now. (And let me add my normal [recent] disclaimer: I'm doing this on virtually no sleep. My brain hurts from straining so hard just to remember what day it is. If anyone knows, kindly clue me in.