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The Pushup Showdown! - Diggnation
Watch Kevin Rose try to explain why the iPhone and iPhone users are so much better while trying and failing miserably to not directly offend the Android users that make up a growing part of his audience. Priceless. Recently (previous Diggnation episode), he bought an Incredible, then (sort of) admitted it was just to bash on it while waiting for the iPhone 4g to come out. He claimed it had no apps, then as an example complained about text selection??? From this episode.
"Android sells on some low end $99 phones", $99 iPhone 3g anyone?
"iPhone users are all about the apps, Android users are content to use what came on the phone". He tried to make it sound as if the average Android user is less "serious" than a iPhone user. The Android market is growing faster than the iphone store now. I'd be willing to bet my house that there are proportionally more phone geeks and hackers on the Android side than the iPhone. Heck, that statement probably true about WinMo too.
"Android will be a competitor in a couple of years"? Kevin, a couple of years is RIGHT NOW!
Kevin, enjoy your most favorable media fanboi Apple insider status. You've earned it.
Watch Kevin Rose try to explain why the iPhone and iPhone users are so much better while trying and failing miserably to not directly offend the Android users that make up a growing part of his audience. Priceless. Recently (previous Diggnation episode), he bought an Incredible, then (sort of) admitted it was just to bash on it while waiting for the iPhone 4g to come out. He claimed it had no apps, then as an example complained about text selection??? From this episode.
"Android sells on some low end $99 phones", $99 iPhone 3g anyone?
"iPhone users are all about the apps, Android users are content to use what came on the phone". He tried to make it sound as if the average Android user is less "serious" than a iPhone user. The Android market is growing faster than the iphone store now. I'd be willing to bet my house that there are proportionally more phone geeks and hackers on the Android side than the iPhone. Heck, that statement probably true about WinMo too.
"Android will be a competitor in a couple of years"? Kevin, a couple of years is RIGHT NOW!
Kevin, enjoy your most favorable media fanboi Apple insider status. You've earned it.