I think we have to be honest with ourselves. Most people are not like us and will be very impressed with the new iPhone. Also, the full reviews are not out yet, and I am betting that most will be complimentary (whether or not the reviewer thinks it's "gamechanging, again").
My view is that there will always be people who want the iPhone and are willing to pay for it. There will also always be people who either don't want the iPhone or are not willing to pay for it.
Those who don't want the iPhone have many reasons for the same:
1. philosophical differences, not happy with Apple's biz practices or closed system;
2. iTunes!
3. think it's a good product but one that is over-rated, overhyped, and/or overpriced. Perhaps they dislike the way the iPhone is almost like a status symbol;
4. dislike the way Apple strings customers along by withholding basic functionality so that it can be unveiled (with much fanfare and hyperbole) in the next iteration of the device - thus making sure people continue to buy their product. This is clever marketing and they are a business after all, but people can choose not to succumb to this tactic;
5. people who really want to customize and tweak their phones the way they want them;
6. tech and objective preferences - people who prefer the way other phones or phone OSes run, or like a certain sort of hardware and specs for their phone, or want true multi-tasking, or really prefer and like typing on a physical keyboard (I know quite a few people like that, who just cannot stand touch screens);
7. those who are not interested at all in games in any case;
8. people who wish to be linked constantly to the cloud to update news, social networking sites, and really like the concept of widgets and live notification;
9. people who think the iPhone is too popular and want to be different or stand out from the cloud.
10. people who can't stand the way certain Apple fans are so smug and brainwashed to disparage others, and think the marketing of Apple actually encourages that sort of attitude.
So I think both Android and iPHones will continue to co-exist, because there are all kinds of people in this world.