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The OFFICIAL taking back the Captivate thread

Well, I feel as if I gave the Captivate a fair trial and it is going back today. I actually am on my second Captivate and both of the phones I have had shut off randomly. The first one I went pretty hog wild with (rooted, lagfix, etc.) but the second is bone stock, and it still shuts off.

I don't know what the cause of the random shutting off is, and I have read the threads regarding the shutting off both here and at XDA. I think this is the biggest issue with this phone. Regardless, the shutting off is a dealbreaker as it will cause me to lose time and money with missed calls and messages.

I doubt I will ever try another Samsung phone. I am also a bit wary of trying another Android phone but I liked the experience so much with the Captivate I probably will. I will likely have to switch carriers to do so.

I find it truly sad that this hardware was released in the state it is in. Forcing customers into beta testing is no way to improve a product. The shutting off combined with the GPS issue means this phone should be getting way more negative attention than the iphone4 with antennagate, this thing is a bonafide piece of junk.

...but the second is bone stock, and it still shuts off.

Very scary.

...the shutting off is a dealbreaker

Very true.

I find it truly sad that this hardware was released in the state it is in. Forcing customers into beta testing is no way to improve a product.

Very accurate.

Until yesterday I felt empowered by the fact that this issue hadn't yet touched me. That's all changed. And I'm basically an optimist and don't tend to knee-jerk. A "bone stock" phone turning itself off? Please!

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I'm returning all 3 of my family's captivate's this week. I simply do not trust anything Samsung says. They have a very long track record of never supporting their products post-sale. Why should any of us here think they will act differently this time?

There are 3 major problems on this phone -
1) GPS
2) MMS
3) Contact Grouping

If this were any other manufacturer other than Samsung I would hold out until the issues were fixed. However, I firmly believe that Samsung is going to do what they always have, and that is simply release the fixes in a newer phone.

So who else has returned or are returning soon as well?
THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! I just got off the phone with Joel in Level 3 technical support and he actually told me with a straight face that the Samsung Galaxy S was designed and its "specifications" are such that the phone's GPS is meant to get you within WAIT FOR IT ..... 1600 METERS OF YOUR ACTUAL LOCATION!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT 1 MILE! If you haven't already returned this phone DO IT NOW. I am stuck with this POS!
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Picked up an HTC Aria as it was the only other option with Android available from ATT currently.

I truly wish the Captivate had worked out but I only have so much time to exchange phones and troubleshoot problems. Thanks to all those whose posts on this forum made the captivate fun while it lasted. I'll be lurking over in the Aria forum from now on I guess... boy is it quiet over there. :)
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As for Droid X complaints, can you link me to them? The one issue I see is that it has a low volume speaker. This has already been addressed by Motorola and a software update has been confirmed. Samsung can learn something from Motorola here. I don't see anywhere near the amount of issues as seen with the Galaxy S phones, disregarding the typical Android complaints that span all the phone models such as choppiness and lag.

I actually had a motorola backflip. It took them 3 months to fix bugs that every single phone had. So from what I can see from my own experience, Samsung put out a better product to begin with. Okay, buggy gps, yeah that can be an issue. I have no other problems with the phone. The battery lasts as long as it should for how much I use the phone, my wifi works fantastically, its shut off 2x on me (actually my own fault for bad SetCPU settings), quite a bit less than my motorola phone. I rooted my phone and did a speed fix, but even before that it didnt lag all that much.

The grass is always greener on the other side lol
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My comments in red above. Items 1,2 and 4 seem to be common issues among all Android phones. Item 3 is self inflicted. Items 5 and 6 have been addressed. Seems that Verizon and Motorola actually listen to their customers.

This is my point exactly. These companies have atleast said something about the issue that informed the customer. At&t and Samsung have not. It's almost like at this point they are trying NOT to say something.

I'm upset that tech sides like engadget or cnet haven't been all on Samsung's case about this. I guarantee you if they posted a couple blogs completely dogging the phone (remember consumer reports and the iPhone 4) and the gps issue, Samsung would say something more concrete. If the tech sites did this and Samsung sill ignored it then that's different.

In any case, It's complete bull$#*@ that Samsung is refusing to provide a concrete comment on what they can or can't do.
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i have a feeling that Samsung will push out the fix for gps with Froyo...and who knows when Froyo is coming out. IT says September but I can say with confidence that it'll be most likely later.

nonetheless, samsung should say that the fix is coming with froyo if that is the case. I don't think they know what's causing the GPS issue, that's why they're staying quiet.
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I agree. I hope that Samsung will get it fixed. However, any update on where Samsung is right now would be nice. For me, I just can't take the chance of keeping a phone that doesn't have a truly working GPS. I don't want something that is "good enough." It's a smart phone. If it can't find me and keep me locked on over the course of blocks or miles then Samsung missed the bar.
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I must be lucky because I have not had any problems with GPS or random shut downs. I do have the contacts problem, but that is an Android OS problem and not Captivate hardware problem. To all that are having problems, Good Luck, but remember, no matter what phone you buy, if you buy one when the first launch happens, you are taking a large chance (about 98%) that there will be problems. I don't care what phone or OS, it will and does happen. We that want to be on the cusp of new technology must pay that price. The regular guy will wait several months for the bugs to be worked out prior to purchase, the safe bet.

So we can only blame ourselves...

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Gunny - you are right, to a point. You are a retired Marine, thank you for your service, it's people like you that help the rest of us free, my father was a Flying Tiger, so I understand, just a little.

Anyway, why did the Marines use basically the same sniper rifle from WWI (I think it was) until Desert Storm (Iraq I)? Is it because it did what it did very very well - and there were no surprises? And, was it easy to train on? Then in Desert Storm, Marine Snipers actually deployed with the trusty weapon and it was not until the middle of the action (so to speak) that they started trying out a new model?

That new model was not just thrown out there, it had been through a lot of testing, and yes, I am confident that it was not perfect, as you and a lot others have stated it was not perfect. But to use this analogy, on the phone, there are features that this phone is supposed to have and it fails in their use, fails. It is a fine tool in other areas though - no question.

If the Marines gave their Snipers the new weapon and deployed them to the field to use them and those shooters knew their weapon was flawed and the officers said "trust us." Would that be sufficient? That's what Samsung and ATT have said - trust us.

And they may well deliver, but at this point there are a lot of unhappy snipers out there in country, in theater and their weapons are not working. Trust us is not good enough now.
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So i am contemplating going IP4 or canceling my ATT service altogether after just getting it 3 days ago, I really like the captivate a lot but I am a delivery driver and rely pretty heavily on GPS considering I am constantly delivering to new places in cities are not exactly familiar with.

My dilemmas are these:
-going ip4= ip4 in not flawless either and I really don't like itunes, had it not be for itunes i probably would of just went iphone in the first place.

-Canceling= I got a good deal on the captivate and I have bad credit and was able to get the ATT guy to waive the $200 deposit (unsure if this is common or not, any feedback?)

So all in all im not too sure what to do and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also does anyone know of some good other android options available either now or in the near future. Thanks in advance

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I think people SHOULD take back their goods if they don't work as advertised, even if it is something that's not vital to the core functionality of the product. Personally I think that we, as tech consumers, are often too lenient. We tend to make excuses for the imperfections and try to look past the blemishes, because, we really, really want these things to work. Because we do this, we deal with the "red rings of death", the "antennagates" and the nonfunctioning GPS'. Do consumers of other goods make those same excuses? I'm guessing no- or at least not as often. It's been awhile since I bought a car, but I don't remember hearing "this model drives fine, but the stereo on (arbitrary percentage) of them won't work. Oh and for some of them the gas mileage is crap, but hopefully you get one of the good ones." Maybe I'm totally off base here (often the case), but that's my take on the situation.
PS- I'm no better than any of the apologists- I have made excuses for wonky tech toys in the past, and probably will continue to do so. I just hate myself for doing so.
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from att forums:

Re: Captivate GPS issue

08-11-2010 09:12:33 AM

This is the response I just received from Samsung. Note that now when has been replaced with when/if. This is not good. Also, "should this become available" adds no level of comfort.

We are unable to speculate when/if this software revision might be available due to the fact that this might lead to inaccurate information and confusion.
Should this become available, it will be posted on our website in the Samsung Download Center.
Please feel free to check back with us periodically for updates.
Thank you for choosing Samsung.

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So i am contemplating going IP4 or canceling my ATT service altogether after just getting it 3 days ago, I really like the captivate a lot but I am a delivery driver and rely pretty heavily on GPS considering I am constantly delivering to new places in cities are not exactly familiar with.

My dilemmas are these:
-going ip4= ip4 in not flawless either and I really don't like itunes, had it not be for itunes i probably would of just went iphone in the first place.

-Canceling= I got a good deal on the captivate and I have bad credit and was able to get the ATT guy to waive the $200 deposit (unsure if this is common or not, any feedback?)

So all in all im not too sure what to do and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also does anyone know of some good other android options available either now or in the near future. Thanks in advance


Well isnt it still considered under the first 30 days, it still effects your credit if you cancel within first 30 days. I was unaware of that.

As far as phone choices if you want an iphone obviously you have to stay with att, if you are looking at getting another android phone, I think vzw is your safest best, they have a much larger selection of quality android phones. Their cell plans may be a bit more expensive tho
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Well, I've got about another week left on my 30 trial period. Seems like I'll be jumping on the bandwagon too. First android experience was amazing after being stuck with my iphone 3g for two years. And then all the little things have just started to bother me more and more. Main complaint with my 3G was that it was just soo slow and I really disliked itunes. This phone on the other hand has got me annoyed at many more things. Granted I'm sure a lot of this has to do with how much more you can really do with this phone, but I just want it all to work. I will give android a try again and probably end up there eventually, but not just quit yet.

Anyways, enough of my opinion. Assuming the local ATT store has iphone4s, I'm thinking about picking one up, using it and then selling it when either the Captivates issues are solved, or another good android phone comes along for ATT. Or maybe just sell it right away and get a 3gs from craigslist as nothing much really on the 4 impresses me over a 3gs.

Is anyone else planning on doing this? And how hard is it going to be to get a regular sim after I sell off the iphone 4? Or should I just order the iphone 4 online so I don't have mess with the sim card situation?

Just trying to future proof myself I guess.
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Well isnt it still considered under the first 30 days, it still effects your credit if you cancel within first 30 days. I was unaware of that.

As far as phone choices if you want an iphone obviously you have to stay with att, if you are looking at getting another android phone, I think vzw is your safest best, they have a much larger selection of quality android phones. Their cell plans may be a bit more expensive tho

I dont believe it effects my credit if I cancel its just whether or not I would be able to get the deposit waived by vzw or by ATT again if I cancel and then start up again at a later date when they have some better options. Hopefully Samsung releases some information soon so I can rest assured on the captivate because I really do like it.
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Well, I've got about another week left on my 30 trial period. Seems like I'll be jumping on the bandwagon too. First android experience was amazing after being stuck with my iphone 3g for two years. And then all the little things have just started to bother me more and more. Main complaint with my 3G was that it was just soo slow and I really disliked itunes. This phone on the other hand has got me annoyed at many more things. Granted I'm sure a lot of this has to do with how much more you can really do with this phone, but I just want it all to work. I will give android a try again and probably end up there eventually, but not just quit yet.

Anyways, enough of my opinion. Assuming the local ATT store has iphone4s, I'm thinking about picking one up, using it and then selling it when either the Captivates issues are solved, or another good android phone comes along for ATT. Or maybe just sell it right away and get a 3gs from craigslist as nothing much really on the 4 impresses me over a 3gs.

Is anyone else planning on doing this? And how hard is it going to be to get a regular sim after I sell off the iphone 4? Or should I just order the iphone 4 online so I don't have mess with the sim card situation?

Just trying to future proof myself I guess.

I am actually went back to my very slow iphone 3g, which has a pathetic battery since its two years old. Not going to extend an 2 year contract till i know the phone is operating the way it should. I will wait it out if no improvements on the horizon i may make the jump to vzw and get one of thier droid offerings. I really wish motorola or htc would make an 4 inch android phone, they at least know what they are doing when it comes to making android phones imo
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