Because the last "OMG I got cupcake" thread nosedived into chaos and madness due to misunderstandings...
I've decided to open up another thread...
This time...I'll lay out the rules PROPERLY for you all to understand...
This thread is ONLY for people who receive the OTA Android 1.5 Update. That means you get a notification on your phone saying "There is a system update available"
That means...
NO rooted updates! We don't care about you! Only the OTA updaters are welcome here...
If there's a big enough demand...I'll open a "OMG I just rooted" thread in the near future!
No Dev Phones either!!
Now that that's clear...let's lay out what the requirements are to post in this thread....
When you receive the OTA 1.5 Update, simply reply to this thread saying...
OMG I got Cupcake!!
Say whereabouts you live (Zip Code/Post Code/Town/Whatever you want to say.)
And give your opinion on what it is...
So an example post would be:
OMG I got Cupcake!
Location: Beverly Hills, 90210
First Thoughts: Not bad...still getting used to the virtual keyboard...
This thread is for everyone who is eligible to receive the OTA 1.5 update! So the US, UK and anywhere else that receives this update!
Now....looking forward to hearing from all of you!
Moderators...can I ask that any messages that don't comply with my rules be removed please? =)
I've decided to open up another thread...
This time...I'll lay out the rules PROPERLY for you all to understand...
This thread is ONLY for people who receive the OTA Android 1.5 Update. That means you get a notification on your phone saying "There is a system update available"
That means...
NO rooted updates! We don't care about you! Only the OTA updaters are welcome here...
If there's a big enough demand...I'll open a "OMG I just rooted" thread in the near future!
No Dev Phones either!!
Now that that's clear...let's lay out what the requirements are to post in this thread....
When you receive the OTA 1.5 Update, simply reply to this thread saying...
OMG I got Cupcake!!
Say whereabouts you live (Zip Code/Post Code/Town/Whatever you want to say.)
And give your opinion on what it is...
So an example post would be:
OMG I got Cupcake!
Location: Beverly Hills, 90210
First Thoughts: Not bad...still getting used to the virtual keyboard...
This thread is for everyone who is eligible to receive the OTA 1.5 update! So the US, UK and anywhere else that receives this update!
Now....looking forward to hearing from all of you!
Moderators...can I ask that any messages that don't comply with my rules be removed please? =)