Who is ignoring it? The purpose of this thread was for people to post when they have cupcake....and to see if there is some sort of pattern to the rollout. Now that there is a link and you can manually update, you do not HAVE to wait for the OTA you can go and update yourself. Many people coming to this thread are looking to get cupcake without rooting or jailbreaking their phone. So your welcome.
That's how I understood it, hence my earlier comment that none of these threads seem to stay on topic.
I too was looking forward to a "Google Map" of sorts to see who in the U. S. was getting the OTA notice from T-Mo.
I was surprised that the posts remained. Turns out there was no one was minding the store.
I still would like to see how the roll out is tracking since there's rumors that T-Mo is delaying the full roll out to the end of the first week of June. I'd like to see if that tracks true.