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The Rogers Magic 2.1 Thread

APPLE!! HAHAHAHA what a Joke..

Did you see the Patents... its so Lame its like if Apple made toilet paper they would have a Patent for the way you wipe your A$$..

Their patents are bogus. This is why I hate the Iphone to much control... Apple is just upset that android is going to be selling more phones then them down the road.. It will not delay the update.

Some are some are not. Some are very clear and detailed like the slide unlocker and proximity sensor auto-answer. The base of the problem is always the same the US patent system is broken. Many patent issued by companies are made very very very broad for most of them just to make sure they have grounds to sue any competitiors that use similar functions.

All in all it will slow down some development from HTC, will take out money of their pocket and will eventually be shifted to suing the Google Android OS functionalities.
"Some are very clear and detailed like the slide unlocker and proximity sensor auto-answer."
Not Ture. Apple has nothing with this... that would be like saying to the tire companys wait my tire is black so is your... I better sue you... what a joke.. Apple is just wasting other peoples time..

Like I said if Apple made toilet paper they would have a Patent for the way you wipe your A$$..
Has anyone else noticed the check for updates option under Settings | About Phone | System Software Updates?

Just wondering if that was there before sense/911 fix and if that means 2.1 will be OTA hopefully!
Like I said if Apple made toilet paper they would have a Patent for the way you wipe your A$$..

And base on that analogy they could sue you if you offer a toilet paper brand and use a similar pattern to wipe. Would it be ludicrous .. of course it would. Would it be a waste of time and money to sue anyone based on that patent infringement... you bet. But legaly talking they are in their rights to sue because some pencil pusher received this broad and ludicrous patent request and approved it. Would it blow in court and be dropped... probably but not before the requesting party takes time and money from it's competitor to hurt them just because they can do so based on a broken extortion patent.

The current pattent system it not meant to protect your ideas.. it is made to protect your market and bully the competitor into paying royalties.
Has anyone else noticed the check for updates option under Settings | About Phone | System Software Updates?

Just wondering if that was there before sense/911 fix and if that means 2.1 will be OTA hopefully!

No it has been included in the Sense/911 patch image. There is no information regarding OTA from Rogers for the next release. Not even sure if the current architecture supports massive OTA upload to users.
No it has been included in the Sense/911 patch image. There is no information regarding OTA from Rogers for the next release. Not even sure if the current architecture supports massive OTA upload to users.

It was mentioned when this ROM came out that the 2.1 update would be provided OTA. I believe is was RogersMary who said it.
We are getting close to "Mid-Year 2010"... has anyone heard any rumors about a release date for us?

Lots of other equally spec'd HTC phones are getting 2.1 lately, so maybe we are not too far behind.
From what I understand, 2.2 is leaner and WAY faster than 2.1. If that's the case, I can't see any reason why we can't get 2.2.

Whether or not we actually get it will depend entirely on HTC and Rogers... which doesn't make me hopeful even a little.

Having said that, CM 5.0.7 is apparently getting faster and faster even on our devices (last I played with was test 3, so I don't know for myself). If Cyanogen decides to sink his teeth into 2.2, we could end up with pretty incredible ROM.
I have asked RogersMary repeatedly for an official announcement from Rogers that HTC is on track to deliver 2.1 by end of June, and so far she has not done so. I will try again.
I only care about when HTC releases 2.1 for the Magic. Or do we have to wait for providers to get them? Either way we'll get an even better 2.1 but so far it is pretty good already. :)
I only care about when HTC releases 2.1 for the Magic. Or do we have to wait for providers to get them? Either way we'll get an even better 2.1 but so far it is pretty good already. :)

We won't get a real rock solid 2.1 from the cookers until we get the Roger update. Their is currently no leak Sapphire 2.1 build with the legit HTC drivers in it. All the 2.1 are from Droid, Legend or Hero version.
I never heard back either from their official channel. So while I'm still able to connect and not be crippled by lack of rom choices from 3rd party I won't worry about it anymore. The moment this changes I'll jump providers without hesitation. It is much too late now, I'll never do contracts or any of their phones or firmwares. Their marketing, announcements, services, none of matters any more. They are an ISP and for now they do that just barely good enough.
I never heard back either from their official channel. So while I'm still able to connect and not be crippled by lack of rom choices from 3rd party I won't worry about it anymore. The moment this changes I'll jump providers without hesitation. It is much too late now, I'll never do contracts or any of their phones or firmwares. Their marketing, announcements, services, none of matters any more. They are an ISP and for now they do that just barely good enough.

Me too. I finally got my Nexus and I'm pretty sure I'll get the updates as soon as they come out without waiting for HTC and Rogers to fool around for months or in the case of the Magic, a year.
Okay, y'all, we finally got an official response from RogersMary, and I am afraid it is not _exactly_ what we wanted to hear.

Mary officially confirmed that HTC is on track to deliver the Magic 2.1 update to Rogers by end of June of this year. Then Rogers will be testing it before releasing it to us. She won't say how long that will take, only that they want to be sure it will work on their network, and our phones.

Here is her email:

"You've been asking when the 2.1 OS upgrade for HTC Magic+ will be available and I want to ensure you that this is a very high priority for us. Rogers made a commitment to the Android community to deliver the best possible customer experience for their Android device and so we have been working closely with HTC to make certain we're on track for a mid-year release. As of today, HTC has committed to providing us the Magic+ upgrade by end of June. Once we've received the upgrade, we will thoroughly test it and make it available to the customer as quickly as possible."

I pointed out in my reply to her that this will NOT make us happy, since we were led to believe we would be getting the update by end of June, but now we will have to wait longer. I asked for an update on how long it will take for Rogers to test. Here is her reply:

In terms of how long our testing will take, I can't say for sure but when I do have a solid customer release date I'll share that as well. I'm not a testing expert but I do know the priority is to ensure it provides an optimal customer experience. Once we receive the update, I'll check in with Dan to see how it's going."

So, more non-answers. Feel free to bug the Rogers team on Twitter until they give us a better answer.

OFeel free to bug the Rogers team on Twitter until they give us a better answer.

Gee, thanks :p

As much as I love to hear from all of you via Twitter, I'm also reading comments on this forum.

Believe me, I know how much you're all anticipating the 2.1 OS upgrade for Magic+ and I will keep you updated with information as it becomes available to me.
I'm not very interested in the rogers 2.1 since I've been running 2.1 for a while and now that it is stable I'm running it full time. Not sure what has to be tested and how long that takes since the devels and users move a whole lot faster. 2.2 should be stable by the time rogers sees 2.2 if ever.

My continued concern is the radio scanner and potential data cut off. Time to kill that system or at minimum scan *only* for the known vulnerable radios instead of killing everything other than your official version. I'm allowed to bring my own phone but when you cut my data I'm very unhappy. I've said it many times and it falls on deaf ears without any explanation. waivers are not an option. scan only for vulnerable versions. why is that so hard?
To me the rogers testing is a crap lie. all they are goin to do is put a bunch of limiters and the stupid rogers logos, icons every where. The biggest thing is slow the shit out of the rom. To me i have the htc dream 1.6 rooted and magic 1.5 sense UI. Im loving the speed of the new superD rom im running on the dream. Its so freaking fast compared to my magic stuck on 1.5 sense UI.
Im just hope ROGERS doesnt screw up the Rom and put stupid sniffing programs.
After i wanna compare my dream superD rom 1.6 compared to the magic 2.1 rom
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