It doesn't matter what YOU paid. If you're going to compare the highest price for the EVO vs the lowest price for the iPhone, then you are skewing the numbers to support your motives.
Take a snapshot at any point in when I bought my EVO for example. It was $149 and the iPhone was over $500. THat's the 3 times as much difference...but looking at your purcahse date when the EVO was $299 and the iphone was over $600...that's 2 times the I can't understand why you'd compare one extreme to another. My point is that the EVO should always sell for less than half what the iphone cost less than half when new. Your particulr BUY IN price is irrelevant to this.
As you said, let's not make this an apple vs android you'd be severely outnumbered...and the facts don't stack up well for you either. I'll agree to leave this topic alone if you do tooThere are some things I was going to pick a part in something you've said above...but I'll refrain for now.
Feel free - there is nothing wrong with debate.
Again, I dont care what the virtual price was/is. I only care about what I actually paid. Your argument is like looking at a used car from 1990 and paying the seller a price based on its 1990 price of $20,000. Good luck with that.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all my Android phones. I just don't understand the knee-jerk reaction that anything iPhone is laughable and sub-par. I am of the mind that two competing types of device can both be good.
Apple does a fine job of integration and produces quality devices that last years. Android, though pretty awesome, still has work to do.
Just my 2c