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.:[]~ The Triumphant Thread ~[]:.

Hmm really? This from Google analytics:

EDIT: You are right, D'oh

I took german in school Mwahahahahahahahaha

Glad to see your thread moving along. Anyone want to chime in on how good Virgins service is?
Also, anyone an Operation Ivy fan? Helps me gear up for a Monday at work.

When I had VM in my area I had pretty bad service. If your on a budget it's good I guess, but their data is flaky. If you just call and text and use wifi it isn't bad though.
Nice thread you guys have started over here. I wish you luck but it looks like your off to a good start.

I noticed you mentioned keeping device discussions in the device forum and out of this thread. This is only my opinion and has nothing to do with me being a guide. We discuss device and app questions all the time in the GNex Watering Hole. I have found that many of the most smartest and experienced users of the GNex gravitate there so the solutions and new ideas come up quickly. I have learned a lot there about my phone, android in general, and apps, many that I was unaware of or never used. That knowledge can be spread back to the device forum where new users are more likely to post a similar question. Almost like a train the trainers thread even though these types of conversations make up a tiny fraction of the conversation. Again, this is just my opinion and food for thought. Now I'll go back to my hole (GNex hole;)).

I understand what you are saying here, you are saying that talking about ideas here instead of over there isn't allowed. I do not try to nit pick and tell them to take the question to the boards. I do talk about the Triumph if something could be done and come up with crazy ideas or what I think is good on the phone, expressing opinions here is open. Questions that are most likely answered, I'll try to answer them promptly. But having discussions is different and can go to that specific board, unless it is loosely developed then I will allow the conversation to flow over, that is usually what I do. This should clarify and thanks for coming pupkact. :)
No problem. I welcome device discussion in our little place and no one gets admonished in anyway (unless it is against site rules).:) We just discuss things in a more relaxed way (whether it is a pulled pork recipe:D or if an iPhone is better than a GNex for someone's sister:rolleyes:) than in the phone's forums. I hope (and see from what I've read so far you do) you have that kind of atmosphere in your thread. I love these type of threads as you get to know folks better and since I'm subscribed here, I'll probably pop in from time to time to say hi.
pupkact, this is exactly the mood I am setting here. Yes I do follow the ToS here at AF but I do not forget the days that brings us closer and unite, I hate to be close to favoritism, and no one likes a selfish guy either.

Yeah, We can discuss on other phones if and when each member is open for further discussion. I want to learn about their phone rather than ours (in this case I like to know more about the Nexus so I'll go over to your boards and see info, any questions I have I ask).

And in here, this is a Lounge so I have to find ways to make the mood always feel like a lounge. I remember that when I work we do not work hard either. So in relationship we do not have to be prudent and follow each rule. I know rules are rules but when we need a place to talk or have open discussions about anything really, I have this room for you guys to look after. I know I am not a guide, I still have to keep the peace here and answer questions with an open mind, if and when it is appropriate.

Again, thanks for coming and sharing, if you like to jump in on past discussion you are welcome, just quote at that post. :)
Did you had a break somewhere? maybe ate a burger too? I would eat a burger sometimes or something for hard well earned job or anything really. Mines has been going well and still is. I was testing Mobsters' tweaks on battery life and bravia engine for the CM7, something that is out of his league and I am his crash test dummy, lol.
You should check out my theme so far for the MT4GS :D. even though this isn't mt related lol. Links in my sig.
I like your suggestion on eating a burger on long days! I usually grab some Five Guys after a long day at work as a reward to myself.
Right on *high fives* I heard they are one of the best chains in the nation. The franchise started in Illinois and expanded from there. They dont have many locations but they make burgers soo juicy :-P now im hungry again at 4:32am.

~ Sent from my Triumph using Tapatalk ~
There's like 2 or 3 five guys in the Spokane area... Well one in the Valley, one on the South Hill, and one being made in North Spokane. I've never been to one though. Although I have heard good things about them.
Try to head for one Five Guys Marc, I do not know if you have been to burger chains before, I been to most chains here in California, instead for Sonic's which the closest one is 40 miles away.
Have any of you ever had Penguin Point? I believe it is just a small midwestern chain (may only be in northern Indiana, although there used to be a lot more of them).
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