Android Expert
I've put together a package of theme goodies for anyone who wants to theme their notification bar but doesn't have the skills or patience to create the artwork. This package contains original artwork by me as well as artwork by others. This package is by no means complete but it includes much of the artwork a themer would otherwise have to create.
This package is only the artwork, please refer to my theming tutorial for advice on how to use this artwork.
* Battery icon sets (130 count). Each in blue, green and red
* Notification bars in blue, green and red
* Notification icon tiles (E, G, H, 1x, 3G, 4G, wifi, signals etc.)
Download: (1014.5 KB)
Happy theming!
This package is only the artwork, please refer to my theming tutorial for advice on how to use this artwork.
* Battery icon sets (130 count). Each in blue, green and red
* Notification bars in blue, green and red
* Notification icon tiles (E, G, H, 1x, 3G, 4G, wifi, signals etc.)
Download: (1014.5 KB)
Happy theming!