That is actually a opinion but I see that you guys are only based on opinions not facts. You guys are really sad. People with supposed smart phones that do not really need smart phones or can not test the true functionality. Now when you guys wise up maybe we can have a true debate instead of a cry fest. Go on play with your so called smart phone. I will spread knowledge. When you are ready to learn check out youtube for some of my vidz. It will probably take you awhile but for guys get smart but maybe one day. And for the person acting like they know linux why do you not try looking up olly and windasm and that will tell you were I am at with your tech. Iphone (teenager/ pretty boy phone/ chick phone, not for people who are tech advanced), symbian (just crap), winmo (to hefty a program to run on phones right now/ not optimized). If you want a debate send my an invite and I will be ready to rip anyone apart with facts. Make sure you are ready because debate will not for the weak hearted.