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Thundercats return


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
So, it would appear that Thundercats is coming back to TV courtesy of Warner Bros. adn Cartoon Network.

I have always been a fan of the original, but maybe this won't suck terribly. The trailer is better than I would have expected. Panthro while not appearing in the trailer is on promo images. I would hope Snarf is there as well.

Looks interesting. I remember Running home from school to watch he-man and the thundercats every weekday afternoon. I watched he-man now and I was like what was I thinking lol.

Hope the series is good. I know cartoon network has hit home runs with The clone wars and such.
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maybe you need to watch the original thundercats as thats was anime style. :rolleyes:

Yes because I can clearly see the similarities :rolleyes:

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Maybe I'm wording it wrong, but I'm referring to the style of drawing not the oirigination. 80s anime was like G-Force or Voltron or speedracer. The small faces with big eyes.

This is 80s anime and it looks nothing like Thundercats


The old school Thundercats was more like He-Man or like Dungeons and Dragons, not what I would consider Anime or at least my interpretation of Anime.
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Def a lil to anime for my tastes, but I won't judge the series on it. I'm glad they're redoing it. Can't say that I'll watch much of it, but I'll def check on it from time to time.

I remember having a conversation with my aunt with her saying that the cartoons I loved (mostly the Ninja Turtles), were just a fad and would die out in a few years time. I told her that the Turtles would never die. Turned out I was right there. Looks like Thundercats won't either.

Oh, they're also bringing back Voltron. I can finally relive my youth. I'm soo getting a racecar bed.
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This thread is the first I am seeing of this new Thundercats. I knew something was in the works but I am getting my first look at it. Thundercats raised me so I was totally looking forward to this.

This reboot looks.... ehhhh. Dunno if they took the right path and did the original justice. After seeing the image shawn1224 posted, the new Thundercats look even more crazier. The story might be there, that is yet to be determined but just based on how it looks I am very disappointed.
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