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Root Ti Backup of txt messages


Android Enthusiast
Where does the system save my txt messages?
ie. which file(s) in Ti Backup do I need to be backing up and restoring to recover my txt messages?
I was using MyBackup Pro for this but there is a problem with the Bionic and it does not recover sms properly.

Not sure of which one it Actually is, but:

[SMS/MMS/APN] Dialer Storage 2.3.4 (under dialer) would be my guess.

Also, you can use SMS Backup and Restore - https://market.android.com/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore&feature=search_result to make .XML backups of your SMS so you can restore them any time later on without having to keep hundreds or even thousands of them in memory. Same author also has an app called Call Logs Backup and Restore - https://market.android.com/details?...lLogBackupRestore&feature=more_from_developer
Agree with john l galt - sms backup and restore, I still have sms from my og DROID on my bionic
Thanks everyone.
I tried restoring "[SMS/MMS/APN] Dialer Storage 2.3.4" and that did not bring them back.
I'll give SMS Backup and Restore a try.
I'm having the same issue with SMS backup as I do with MyBackup Pro.
All the messages are there, but they all have the exact same timestamp.
ie, all the restored messages show as being sent/received at the time they were restored.
MBP does keep them in the correct order however, SMS Backup seems to be grouping all of the sent and received messages together so it looks like a one sided conversation.

Is there a trick?
I'm having the same issue with SMS backup as I do with MyBackup Pro.
All the messages are there, but they all have the exact same timestamp.
ie, all the restored messages show as being sent/received at the time they were restored.
MBP does keep them in the correct order however, SMS Backup seems to be grouping all of the sent and received messages together so it looks like a one sided conversation.

Is there a trick?

Never had this problem before, and I've been using SMS B&R for a very long time now.

The only time it seems to have issues is if you try to restore SMS from a contact that no longer exists....

But, since it is an /XML file, you can easily (manually, using a text editor - I prefer Notepad++ when on Windows machines) edit out the offending SMS messages....

If you're like me though, then you'll have a boatload of them and finding the offending one(s) can be very hair raising....
I tried it with only one thread and still had issues.
Granted, it was a very long thread but just one contact.
The interesting thing is viewing the file that SMS backup made, the timestamps are correct and the conversation is ordered correctly.
For some reason, restoring that same file results in the issues I noted above.
Hmmm, now that I look at it:


NOTE: There is a known problem with some firmware versions of the Droid X and Droid 2 phones that the restored messages do not get the correct time stamps.
So this might apply as well to our BIONICs?

Send him a bug report....

Actually, I went to his website (first time for me lol - I ahd no idea he had his own space) and see this:


Q21: I have a Motorola phone and when I perform a Restore, all the messages get the time of restore rather than the actual time of the message. How do I fix it?
A: This is a problem with some versions of some Motorola phones that they do not accept the time stamp supplied when restoring. Some users have reported that sometimes its caused by using the “SMS Time Fix” app and disabling it while restoring fixes the problem. However, its more likely that its caused by the way the Messaging app stores and reads the time stamp for messages. I do not have access to these phones and hence I haven’t been able to try and find a work around for this problem yet.

If you are willing to help and have a rooted Motorola phone and have this problem when restoring, then please contact me so that we can try to find a solution/workaround.

A few users have also reported that using third party SMS apps like Go SMS works better and it shows the correct time stamps.
I'm definitely rooted, and I'm pretty positive you are also. Want to tag team and help him figure this out?
I already posted a comment under the FAQs about wanting to help, and I used my AF Profile as my website.
yeah, he just posted an update in market - credited one guy that was working with him intensively, and even me, although I was only able to run a couple of tests and feed him some log data.
Is it working for you?
For me, sent messages appear to be working correctly but received messages are off by 6 hours and therefore not showing up properly in the thread.
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