Android Enthusiast
I was tired of hearing from all the iSheep how awesome the new notification bar in the new iOS5 is that I wanted to see it on youtube. I typed iOS5 notification bar and this video was one of the first hits.
How to Install iOS 5 on your iPhone 4 - iOS 5 Installation Tutorial - YouTube
Go to around 1:40 and listen as this fanboi touts how Apple "jacked" Google of the Android notification bar. Typical iMoron I guess. It pisses me that Apple sues and sues but when they do the copying/stealing its ok.
Rant over.
My favorite part is at 2:36 when boy genius reveals his phone number to anyone who wants to write it down. Maybe Tim Cook will call and threaten to sue him for saying what we already knew, that Evil Apple Empire stole from Android.