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time for a lawsuit ?

I was tired of hearing from all the iSheep how awesome the new notification bar in the new iOS5 is that I wanted to see it on youtube. I typed iOS5 notification bar and this video was one of the first hits.

How to Install iOS 5 on your iPhone 4 - iOS 5 Installation Tutorial - YouTube

Go to around 1:40 and listen as this fanboi touts how Apple "jacked" Google of the Android notification bar. Typical iMoron I guess. It pisses me that Apple sues and sues but when they do the copying/stealing its ok.

Rant over.

My favorite part is at 2:36 when boy genius reveals his phone number to anyone who wants to write it down. Maybe Tim Cook will call and threaten to sue him for saying what we already knew, that Evil Apple Empire stole from Android.
Maybe we should all call Dom and ask him why he waits for Apple to nick things from Android and call it "innovation" instead of just using an Android phone and getting ahead of the curve ;)

Yet ANOTHER reason I will never own Apple ANYTHING. They steal from others and then sue others for being too much like them. :mad:
It pisses me that Apple sues and sues but when they do the copying/stealing its ok.

Rant over.

There is a vid on the net of Mr Jobs talking about how apple takes other ideas and applefies them. Nothing new, but try telling that to the lawyers. I fricking HATE software patents (I work in the field, so my hatred at what gets patented is deep).
Maybe we should all call Dom and ask him why he waits for Apple to nick things from Android and call it "innovation" instead of just using an Android phone and getting ahead of the curve ;)

Yet ANOTHER reason I will never own Apple ANYTHING. They steal from others and then sue others for being too much like them. :mad:

I go to bed every night hoping that the Earth opens a hole and swallows Apple and rids the planet of their blight. :mad:
This is a weird but well known issue, usually fixed by a browser cache clear.

I am on the phone - would somebuddy kindly PM TheRoosevelt on this?

No trouble here, but maybe your browser's cache was thrown off by all of the posts which were just moved to other threads and might've briefly affected the page count here.

Thanks guys, I'm back :)

And I'd just like to point out (at the risk of crucifixion) that I don't consider Apple evil. Sure, their practices aren't completely ethical all the time, but, hey, what company isn't trying to make money? Business is business.
On top of that, I don't deny that I enjoy their products. I even own a circa 2007 iMac.
Despite all this, I only have eyes for the Nexus and fanboys (on both sides) irritate me.

please don't kill me
I find it hypocritical for Android users to call foul when iOS copies Android. I'm pretty sure the Apple fanboys are crying the same foul about Android copying iOS.

Also, why should you, the end user be so indignant about it? It's Google's problem, not yours. iOS having a pull-down notification bar has absolutely no bearing on how your phone performs for you.

You know what they say about imitation and flattery. It means Android was doing something right. We should be happy, not pissed.

I think what he was getting at is how apple sues over every little thing that they think others steals from them. Heck apple sued a food store because their logo had a green apple in it. So if apple is protective of their product. Then they should respect other companies product and not say they innovated it. Everyone can see the notification bar is a a ripoff of the android device. So why shouldnt google sue Apple. After all they would be copying apples sue happy nature.

You say imitation is flattery. Tell that to android phone makers when a potential customer walks in and goes wow the iphone has most the features my old android had that I come to love. So I will buy the iPhone this time. So how can android take it as flattery when they can lose possible sales with what apple took from them.

How much longer till apple starts naming their OS after tasty treats? How about iapplepie? Then Apple can sue google for stealing their OS naming idea.

Do i care what Apple has done? No it shows they are not the leaders in the phone market. IPhone will always be limited and bland. I had an iPod touch just so I could see what the hype of it was. as its basically an iphone without the phone part in it. I wasn't impressed when compared to my first MOTO Droid. Yes I can compare them as the touch and iPhone uses the same software. I was amazed at how much more could be done on android. So i gave my son my touch as an mp3 player.

So why cant android fanboys yell for the head of apple for stealing. when Apple fanboys been doibg this for years.
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