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Tired of waiting for the Thunderbolt, bought this instead.


Well-Known Member
After waiting and waiting for the Thunderbolt and not hearing anything about it officially yet, I've decided to hold off on buying a new phone and am spending the money that I was saving for it on a new PS3.

I was already a little worried that the Thunderbolt was going to turn out to be this generation's Droid Eris. Not a bad phone, but ultimately underpowered when compared to the competition and what will likely be coming out soon. I figured rather than make a purchasing decision that I may regret in a few months, I'd wait and see what comes out at the start of the summer and buy my phone then.

If they had given us a date, or it would have released already, I'm sure I'd have waited or already purchased one. After getting frustrated with all of the rumors and speculation and not hearing anything from Verizon, I've decided to spend the money on something that (dollar per hour) I'll get much more enjoyment and fun out of.

Anyone else out there gotten fed up and spent your money elsewhere?
After waiting and waiting for the Thunderbolt and not hearing anything about it officially yet, I've decided to hold off on buying a new phone and am spending the money that I was saving for it on a new PS3.

I was already a little worried that the Thunderbolt was going to turn out to be this generation's Droid Eris. Not a bad phone, but ultimately underpowered when compared to the competition and what will likely be coming out soon. I figured rather than make a purchasing decision that I may regret in a few months, I'd wait and see what comes out at the start of the summer and buy my phone then.

If they had given us a date, or it would have released already, I'm sure I'd have waited or already purchased one. After getting frustrated with all of the rumors and speculation and not hearing anything from Verizon, I've decided to spend the money on something that (dollar per hour) I'll get much more enjoyment and fun out of.

Anyone else out there gotten fed up and spent your money elsewhere?

So.. Hows the phone under powered can you explain?
Yeah , the stock Tbolt tested had a 2000 quadrant score , that's pretty damn fast. It will stand up to anything that comes out in the next six months.
Certainly not underpowered.
OP has a point. One of the tech blogs posted today the dual core Samsung S2 is coming mid or late march. So if the Thunderbolt drops on March 10th, then we're almost to mid March. LG Revolution can't be far behind either.
OP has a point. One of the tech blogs posted today the dual core Samsung S2 is coming mid or late march. So if the Thunderbolt drops on March 10th, then we're almost to mid March. LG Revolution can't be far behind either.
The TBolt has already tested faster than the Bionic Dual Core.

The LG has the same chip so I fail to see it being better. The Samsung well, will be a Samsung and likely won't be getting timely updates.
And 2 months after that there will be more new phones. Big deal.

No doubt. But the luster of the Thunderbolt being all badass will fade fast if the LG Revolution and Samsung S2 drop right behind it. As for dual core, the 2.4 update that's apparently coming in April is supposed to be optimized for it.

The only way I'm definitely getting the Thunderbolt is if Skype and NetFlix come pre-installed and enabled on launch because these two apps are important to me. Otherwise, I'm waiting....
Funny because I've contemplated selling my PS3 in order to get a better phone, and mostly because I have found that I don't play it that often. I watch Bluray movies more than I play games. Kind of sad too since I bought it with the Move bundle, have about 15 games for it (and haven't even played half of them), have 3 controllers for it, and 4 move controllers for it.
The LG has the same chip so I fail to see it being better. The Samsung will well be a Samsung and likely won't EVER begetting ANY updates.

Fixed that for ya!! LOL :D

After owning a Fascinate, Samsung phone announcement=no phone announcement. Not sure I'll ever buy another Samsung product again, ever.
Sorry, but people defending a device (TB) poorly communicated and not even released yet is a tad on the sad side. Think about it. Men, man up and women, woman up! ;) :)
After waiting and waiting for the Thunderbolt and not hearing anything about it officially yet, I've decided to hold off on buying a new phone and am spending the money that I was saving for it on a new PS3.

I was already a little worried that the Thunderbolt was going to turn out to be this generation's Droid Eris. Not a bad phone, but ultimately underpowered when compared to the competition and what will likely be coming out soon. I figured rather than make a purchasing decision that I may regret in a few months, I'd wait and see what comes out at the start of the summer and buy my phone then.

If they had given us a date, or it would have released already, I'm sure I'd have waited or already purchased one. After getting frustrated with all of the rumors and speculation and not hearing anything from Verizon, I've decided to spend the money on something that (dollar per hour) I'll get much more enjoyment and fun out of.

Anyone else out there gotten fed up and spent your money elsewhere?

Should have waited, I just got to play with the bolt, and it coming next week. You can take back the PS3!
Haha, you didnt fix the actual error...thats funnier for me for some reason

I tossed that idea back and forth. I finally decided that I had to pick either making a joke OR editorializing... fixing both was just too much work:p I went with the joke.
I was contemplating getting the Thunderbolt but after all of this back and forth on its getting released and now its delayed crap, I have decided to wait for the Bionic or Revo (and used the money saved on a SKS) since I would have switched to the Bionic or Revo anyway when they came out.
I was contemplating getting the Thunderbolt but after all of this back and forth on its getting released and now its delayed crap, I have decided to wait for the Bionic or Revo (and used the money saved on a SKS) since I would have switched to the Bionic or Revo anyway when they came out.
I see you have a fond love for locked bootloaders.
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