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Root Titanium Backup Problems


I use Titanium Pro on a rooted HTC Rezound. I have been trying to do backups to Google Drive and Dropbox and cannot backup to either location. The backup starts out normally then quits unexpectedly with either a network or server error. I get about two thirds of the way through on Google Drive but only about ten percent of the way on Dropbox. Any ideas why these fail? Thanks in advance for the help.
unfortunately,i havent been able to figure out the dropbox thing,either. are you trying to use wifi or phone data?
Just thought I would report that I just managed to do a backup of 1.16GB to DropBox from my rooted Rezound. I used the latest version of Titanium Backup Pro 1.2.3. So maybe new versions fixed the problem. As always, YMMV.
I just tried a backup last night, 2.33Gb, would reliably time out not to long after going to sleep. To confirm, I left Wifi setting on "Never shut off while plugged in" and it was plugged in, so connection was constant.

Just moved to PC and uploaded it from there, but would def. like for it to work as intended.
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