obviously again you ingore things and dont do your research...you havent figured out yet that i already own one. again...geez!
if this and if that. first off anyone who buys the phone and engraves it knows they can not return it.
anyone who signs up for tmobile and cancels after 14 days knows that they are going to get charged.
no "unaware customers" here. it is all spelled out in black and white. same as with every other cell company in the country. (i cant speak for other contries). you have put together a scenario that would possible fit your math, but in all likely hood will not happen.
if you did this to att, verizon, sprint, and many other companies dont you think the same thing would happen? (the answer is yes)
with every company who subsidizes phones penaltys are accesed for cancelling service after a specified time period. tell me someone who is not aware of this.
Oh that’s right, with all the business savvy you possess, you really have no clue as to what you or anybody else is talking about. Apparently from all your other posts, your just another fanboy. Pull that head out of your ass and look around and watch you don't step in your own bullshit along the way. Go away and enjoy that new phone.