the myth is of a carrier independent VOIP phone that will "change the world as we know it."
It's just another new HTC phone for t-mobile.
Very interesting. However, the protocol is VoIP, meaning wherever you have internet access ostensibly you can get service.
We forget that Google is a wireless provider! The city of Mountain View is a recipient of its free wireless service. San Francisco was to have been another gifted city but somebody dropped the ball.
Back to Nexus One. Now that we have
ability to provide service out of the way, we can safely assume that there will be a roll-out of service across the nation as they cut deals with various cities.
So you see, it's not a myth. Ask the residents of Mountain View California. Google does WiFi...for FREE! - We must also remember that Google has
always had a plan and it didn't start with last week's Android rumor!
There are existing VoIP phone services who provide flawless call quality to their subscriber base...even to businesses. Packet 8 comes to mind (8x8).
So, Voip has grown up before our very eyes and is now poised to (dare I say it?) be a game-changer.
The one thing that we have not heard about is
call quality on the Nexus One. We've only heard about the physical attributes of the phone. This will be the telling of the tale. I'm all ears.