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Root To Rise above expectations


Android Expert
I'm experimenting with a Rise here. I've turned off its radio antenna via *#*#4636#*#*, and have tested its battery life with that off. Its been in standby for 2-3 days now and only lost 4% of its battery. Now, I'm testing it with only the WiFi on. What's my goal?

To make a WiFi only app player out of it, just to see if its possible.

Observations so far: Well, with the Radio keyed to 'off', there's no cell or 3G connection, as desired. However, the WiFi reception also tanks.
battery life

Some other factors pretaining to forementioned:

1)Go to settings,sound,and untick all boxes for persistant alerts prior saving

2)Dev option enable kill all tasks immediately
atfer using leaves them

3)Underclock your phone mine is at 768 max 168 min conservative and cfq.Also use SetCPU anything else does not stick and values revert back after shutting phone down

4)Use Wifi whenever possible as 3g constantly searches or roams for a better signal equating in faster drain

5)Try your best to use minimalistic apps byte wise since higher(especially with current ram and locked loader.Ram expander will make this in league with high end phones mid now) values puts more stess on the phone

6)Keep your brightness either half or completely down.Mine is half

7)Move as many apps possible to SD card as with 5 it lessens overall stress on phone
Well, without 3G, the phone lasts days and days without losing charge. I jsut don't see its viability as an app player so will probably sell it in light of me having a Galaxy Victory now
I'm experimenting with a Rise here. I've turned off its radio antenna via *#*#4636#*#*, and have tested its battery life with that off. Its been in standby for 2-3 days now and only lost 4% of its battery. Now, I'm testing it with only the WiFi on. What's my goal?

To make a WiFi only app player out of it, just to see if its possible.

Observations so far: Well, with the Radio keyed to 'off', there's no cell or 3G connection, as desired. However, the WiFi reception also tanks.

Can't you just run airplane mode with wifi on?
Some other factors pretaining to forementioned:

1)Go to settings,sound,and untick all boxes for persistant alerts prior saving

2)Dev option enable kill all tasks immediately
atfer using leaves them

3)Underclock your phone mine is at 768 max 168 min conservative and cfq.Also use SetCPU anything else does not stick and values revert back after shutting phone down

4)Use Wifi whenever possible as 3g constantly searches or roams for a better signal equating in faster drain

5)Try your best to use minimalistic apps byte wise since higher(especially with current ram and locked loader.Ram expander will make this in league with high end phones mid now) values puts more stess on the phone

6)Keep your brightness either half or completely down.Mine is half

7)Move as many apps possible to SD card as with 5 it lessens overall stress on phone

8)Untick the box for auto configuration of both date and time network wise as this requires more battery use

Added 8 for now(additional commentary make sure to retick otherwise whenever using the store their will be no connection as forementioned requires being up to date)
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