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Help Trackpad Malfunction


Nov 18, 2010
My trackpad has stopped working, but not completely. The push fucntion works but the swipe to scroll doesn't. I reset my phone yesterday when I first got the issue and it worked again. Earlier today the function stopped working but started working again without a reset. Now it isn't working again. Any ideas of what the problem is, whether it be hardware or software etc.?
My trackpad has stopped working...

I'm just going on a limb here, could it not be related to something in the software department of the phone?

If so, try restoring it with a previous backup before the trackpad started to malfunction.

I use Clockwork Recovery, here is what I would do:

1. Power off the Desire Z.
2. Press & hold [volume down + power button] (Bootloader/HBOOT)
3. Go into "RECOVERY"
4. Use the the volume down button to scroll down to "backup and restore"
5. Select "Advanced Restore"
6. Select the backup you have before the trackpad malfunctioned.
7. Select "Restore system"

This should only take a few mins to restore, hopefully that should resolve the problem if it had to do with changes to the ROM. :)

This specific restore will only change the system files to their previous state prior to the backup you had selected for it. So if you overclocked you phone before you made that backup then you'd have to re-install the "update.zip" file.
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