I'm on Verizon with 5 lines. Two of my lines have grandfathered unlimited data plans. The other 3 lines are just dumbphone lines with no data. My son wants to get a smartphone on his line (he currently just has a dumbphone). I no longer need unlimited data on my line, so I'd like to give him my unlimited data plan somehow.
I thought of 2 possible ways to do it but I'm unsure if they will work:
1) Trade phone numbers on both lines. In other words, ask Verizon if they will allow my son to put his phone number on my line and visa versa. Don't know if they do such a thing or not?
2) Trade data plans. If I get him a Smartphone with the 2GB standard data plan, is there a way I could flip-flop the data plans between lines? In other words, instead of trading phone numbers, could we trade data plans?
I plan on stopping in to talk to them, but I thought I'd ask the "experts" here first.
I thought of 2 possible ways to do it but I'm unsure if they will work:
1) Trade phone numbers on both lines. In other words, ask Verizon if they will allow my son to put his phone number on my line and visa versa. Don't know if they do such a thing or not?
2) Trade data plans. If I get him a Smartphone with the 2GB standard data plan, is there a way I could flip-flop the data plans between lines? In other words, instead of trading phone numbers, could we trade data plans?
I plan on stopping in to talk to them, but I thought I'd ask the "experts" here first.