Hi all. I have a dual SIM phone (Samsung J6) and have a personal SIM and work SIM in there. Is there an easy way to turn the work SIM off on my day off? I can't seem to find a way to do it. Thanks for reading.
I've never had a dual-SIM phone, so I have no idea if this is even an option, but what about 'do not disturb'? If that allows you to pick which SIM you're wanting to control, you could set its DND settings based on your day off.
If that's out, it's possible--but, again, I can't say for sure--that something like Tasker might work.
Should be an option for it in Settings, Wireless & Networks or Mobile Networks or similar. To toggle SIM1 or SIM2 on or off. I don't know the dual-SIM J6, so can't say exactly where it is
Settings > Connetions> SIM Card Manager > Tap on the SIM you want > Toggle the button to disable the SIM..You have to do it manually as there is no setting to set the exact time period to disable it automatically when you are off
I'm looking for exactly the same feature. I've got a dual sim phone, but the "do not disturb" feature only works by turning the ringer off and back on at certain times so all messages and calls are missed. I want my work sim to go silent and straight to VM out of hours and my personal sim to stay on. I can't believe such an obvious feature is missing from a device designed for this very purpose. Does anyone know of any apps that will overide the DND feature in android settings and manage both sims seperately and not together? Cheers.
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