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Turning off Google Notifications


Well-Known Member
So I went on a trip this weekend and apparantly Google knows everything about me and what I'm doing. Maybe I'm behind on this but I didn't realize they would know what flights I was booked on or where I was going when I never told them. I guess they scanned my emails to figure this out. Also, they send me messages all the time to tell me how long it's going to take me to get to work or get home. This has all been going on in the past 2 weeks.

What did I do to permit this? I've had Gmail for a long time, but these notifications didn't start until a few weeks ago. Right about the time I bought this new phone.

More importantly, what do I need to do to turn off the notifications? I don't mind that they are doing what they are doing, I just don't want the notifications every morning.
This is due to Google Now, which you probably unwittingly agreed to start upon first fireup of the phone.
Go to Apps, Google Settings, Search & Now, turn off Google Now.
Go to Google Search, click menu button, settings- turn Now off entirely, if you want, or go into its settings and turn off notifications.

When you run Google Search, you can either say Yes or No to Google Now. You said Yes at some point.
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