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Ubuntu - Dont plug the Desire in to a front USB port!


Jun 22, 2010
SD Card mounting via a front USB port stopped me typing under Ubuntu Lucid!

Plugging in via the front usb's stopped me typing!
Also other weird behaviour.

I was actually plugging the mouse in via PS2 to stop the issues I was having.

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 64bit, HTC Desire.
This problem is very specific to you( and the computer you are using) more specific still to the USB controller in your computer.

It is not really anything to do with Ubuntu or Android,

If the USB connection to your device works via the back panel USB ports it sounds more likely that the front panel is wired up wrong or a loose connection shorting out or similar causing your USB controller to shut off or just act bizarrely
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You've probably plugged the USB extension block from your case to your motherboard in upside down or something, or like said above, wired incorrectly if it isnt in a block. Additionally it could be a driver issue related to *that* specific usb controller, as opposed to the ones built onto the board at the i/o section. This is a very specific problem to you, it's unlikely many other people will experience this.
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You've probably plugged the USB extension block from your case to your motherboard in upside down or something, or like said above, wired incorrectly if it isnt in a block.

Well other devices I plug in to this port work OK.
e.g. printers and hard drives.

Additionally it could be a driver issue related to *that* specific usb controller, as opposed to the ones built onto the board at the i/o section.

Yes I think this is probably what is happening. I posted as I would have never considered trying the back USB ports in preference to the front ports in troubleshooting.

This is a very specific problem to you, it's unlikely many other people will experience this.

Here is hoping you are correct, as it was more than a little annoying!
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