Well my Ipod fell in water and got short circuited i guess. I want a new change from Apple and I am really looking forward to the android market. I live in Canada, and I am waiting for the Motorola Milestone to come out from Telus. I am a really big gaming fan, and the Android Market dosent have alot of games to choose from ( as I have heard). I like Rock Band for Ipod Touch, and it cant be ported to Motorola Milestone so Im pretty upset. I only have 500mbs per month with Telus
. What do you guys think I should do?
Get an Iphone to get App store?
Or get Motorola Droid for all the specs and Android Market AND a new change (REALLY looking forward too)?

Get an Iphone to get App store?
Or get Motorola Droid for all the specs and Android Market AND a new change (REALLY looking forward too)?