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Hi everybody

I'm new on this forum (and sorry for my frenchy english)
I'm an Android developer and I have no problem to produce apk for all phones excepted for the XPERIA X10 Mini pro.
With this device I always obtain : "Problem during the kit analysis" (my translation of the french message).
When I try to open details of the apk (with a file manager) I obtain : "Unable to open xxxxx.apk as an APK" (still my translation of the french message).

Of course the option to allow installation of an application which doesn't come from the market is checked.

I tried to build the apk from 1.6 to 2.3 android version for the same result.

Microsoftware version : 2.1-update 1
Kernel version : 2.6.29
Build version : 2.0.2.A.0.24

First question : What is the version of my android in those 3 values ?
Second question : Is there any specific thing to know for this device ?

Thanks for your answers


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