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United Airlines Doing so Well They Launch a Lawsuit and Public Relations Nightmare...

...professional victim?​
Product of an exceptionally litiginous society?

(A few years back, waiting for a plane in SFO, I overheard 2 8-10 years olds arguing nearby and one responded to an insult with "I'll sue you!"...).

BTW did you hear that the UA app has a new "drag and drop" feature? ;)
Yeah, it looks bad, but personally I think if they tell you to get off the plane, you get off the plane. In this day and age, does anyone think having a temper tantrum on a plane is a good idea? Did he think they would change their minds if he fought hard enough? No, he saw dollar signs. I hope the airline fights the lawsuit all the way through a trial instead of taking the easy way out and rewarding this idiot for bad behavior.
It's absurd to mention anything in his past with regard to this situation. I think it's clear what transpired here. The courts will decide.
So, what is the airline supposed to do if a passenger refuses to leave the plane? What other option is there besides removing him by force? Serious question.
I believe that there is a federal limit to the incentive they can offer.

But this is a situation of their own making: they could have not boarded until they resolved it, or they could have arranged some other transport for their staff. This is a case of mindlessly following procedures without thought for the consequences, and management can't genuinely escape responsibility for the culture on which things like this happen. Moreover it's clear that the CEO only saw this as a problem long after everyone else did, so fair to assume that he was totally happy until the stock price fell - how much are arseholes like this paid to be totally out of touch?
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