Aylone your position on this is confusing, why do you care if people are unhappy about being throttled and want to take further action? You have contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion in this thread except assumptions that this is not a widespread problem based on your tiny sample size of users on Androidforums.
ACP - Not confusing at all. Don't know why it gets to me when people over react but it does. Between the OP's original post that WARNING AT&T will throttle (BUT now changed, thx Captivate) to Dan1000 saying he wants to setup a class action lawsuit, I go into auto-defense mode...
Sorry if my self appointed MODERATOR mode kicked in. Dan, Red, Cap, if I over stepped my bounds and upset you in anyway, I'll be up front and apologize now.
That being said, I still think that people shouldn't over exaggerate or promote themselves as self appoint forum moderators...
I'm guilty as charged! Moving on now people, moving on...