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Help Updated through .zip, now SMS apps wont open


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
DFW, Texas
They REFUSE to open as a matter of fact. Handcent, nor stock messaging app will open i tap them, i get the banner that says the name of application, and just a black screen. Nothing happens, no force close or error message of any kind.

Could the update to 2.2 via the zip file have anything to do with this dilemma?
They REFUSE to open as a matter of fact. Handcent, nor stock messaging app will open i tap them, i get the banner that says the name of application, and just a black screen. Nothing happens, no force close or error message of any kind.

Could the update to 2.2 via the zip file have anything to do with this dilemma?

idk im a noob
try formating the cache
try formating the cache & reinstalling applications
try reflashing, formating the cache & reinstalling applications
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