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Urgent: RE: KITKAT ROM for rugby smart!!!!!!!!!


Aug 20, 2013
Hi Everyone!!!

i heard lollipop is out and i doubt that their will b any for rugby smart anytime soon. but i really want the kit kat for rugby smart.

i heard through the forums that, kitkat is already built for rugby smart on the phone. i currently have cm 9 on my rugby smart and i am totally in need of the upgrade to kitkat. Can you please show me the link to do that please??? been looking everywhere including here and xda, but no luck.

i only found this link but i'm not sure if it will work with my phone, can you confirm if it will please. here's the link.

[ROM] [UNOFFICIAL] [4.4.4] AICP - 7.0 [20141… | Samsung Galaxy W I8150 | XDA Forums

i'm afraid to use their rom as i'm not sure if it will brick my rugby smart. So i'm coming to you for expert guidance on this. please show me the best link to obtain kit kat on my phone please?

also i heard that android release lollipop source code for general availability since november 3... can you tell me how soon rugby user can expect this rom?

thanks and I appreciate it!!
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