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USB Cables for Charging


Android Enthusiast
I have some micro-USB cables that charge my phone in a hurry, and some that take ages. Is there a way to tell the difference visually? And more importantly, I want to buy a couple of more cables as I think I have one or two going bad. What do I look for to ensure I'm getting the ones that charge faster?
What phone do you have? I think that's a pretty important determining factor.
It's 1 of 3 problems:
  • The Phone
  • The Charger
  • The Electrical Outlet
It's a recent phone, and a bad electrical outlet would be odd, so I'm guessing it's the charger. However, if you want to prove it once and for all?

Go to your carrier's store (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc...) and tell them your problem. Tell them you want to try out charging your phone with the chargers they sell for the Galaxy S7.

If the charger DOES work, either:
  1. Buy it there- problem solved, or
  2. Take a photo of the UPC, search on Amazon, buy it cheaper
If the charger DOES NOT work, then:
  • The problem is your phone and the carrier should replace it
  • Good thing you're already there!
Let us know how it goes!
It's 1 of 3 problems:
  • The Phone
  • The Charger
  • The Electrical Outlet
It's a recent phone, and a bad electrical outlet would be odd, so I'm guessing it's the charger. However, if you want to prove it once and for all?

Go to your carrier's store (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc...) and tell them your problem. Tell them you want to try out charging your phone with the chargers they sell for the Galaxy S7.

If the charger DOES work, either:
  1. Buy it there- problem solved, or
  2. Take a photo of the UPC, search on Amazon, buy it cheaper
If the charger DOES NOT work, then:
  • The problem is your phone and the carrier should replace it
  • Good thing you're already there!
Let us know how it goes!

I've plugged different cables into the same USB charging station and some charge very slowly while others verity quickly so I know there is a difference in cables. I'm just looking to be sure I get a faster one to replace a cord that seems to be developing a short.

I ordered the one I linked above, so I'm hoping it will do the trick.
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