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Use a Gorilla Gadgets charger with Motion?


Well-Known Member
I've seen the warning about car chargers here, but am curious. I was just about to pick up the Gorilla Gadgets Uhuru! 16800mAh External Portable Battery Pack Charger since it's on sale today at W00t.com. I'd be using it primarily for my Nexus 7 which I often tether to my Motion (the Motion lasts for a long while doing this, btw).

Given the apocalyptic warnings about using alternate chargers/cables/etc for the Motion, do you think this thing would work with the Motion as well? Gorilla Gadgets says it works for "All Android/Windows phones with Micro-USB port", but I'd love to know if anyone is using a device like this with their Motion without issues.
If it puts out between 5 and 5.2 volts, and the microUSB plug is decent (it doesn't damage the port in the phone because it's too big, off-center, etc.), it'll work. There's nothing magic about charging. Aside from the plug fitting (which is common sense), it's plain electricity. The port tkes 5 volts and will shut off charging when the battery is fully charged, whether the charger is still plugged in or not.

You can use the charger that came with the phone, a windmill generator, blck magic - it doesn't make any difference. IF you put 5 volts on the right pins of the port, the battery in the phone charges.

But if you buy the Gorilla, LG doesn't make any money, and that's more important to them than if your phone charges or not.

I've been in this business since it started when it wasn't only that each mnufacturer used different plugs and voltages, each manufacturer had a few different plugs and voltages. Today? I have 4 chargers on my desk. When a phone or earphone needs charging I grab the cord from one of them and plug it in. I don't even look to see which charger it is. That's how universal it is. And the only battery I ever lost was one that was sitting out in the garage for years. It was a gooey mess when I found it. The original batteries from my Moto V551, about 11 years old, still work. (Granted, that was one of those "almost a different plug for each model phone" times, but the charger went a long time ago, and I just connected the cord, with the phone-end plug, to a new charger. Same 5 volts, and the battery works fine.)

Very helpful response. Everything you say makes total sense and I'll keep it mind for phones/chargers in general. Thanks again. Looks like I may get some extra use out of the Gorilla charger, too, then!
I myself just avoid the Fleabay unbranded chargers, mostly from China.

If it's a company with U.S. contact info and their own branded chargers with the correct specs I myself wouldn't have any issues.

I think MOST if not ALL of the Motion charger issues were with non branded el cheapo chargers.

Bruce in Ocala, Fl
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