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Use Dinc as usb/wifi webcam


Android Expert
So myself and others have been looking for an app that will use the Incredibles camera as a webcam... so far these are the ones i have found..

first is...
USB Webcam - Android app on AppBrain

this one does what it says and you will have to follow the directions and intall on both the computer and the phone and it can be a bit laggy... but i think it can be useful to those without a laptop camera... ohh and at first these did not work for some reason till i restarted my computer.

the next is...
DroidCam Wireless Webcam - Android app on AppBrain

this installed fine on both but could not get it to connect... so so far it does not work for me even though skype found the drivers

and yes they give lots of force closes but hey they are the only ones i have found and just thought i would give some people a heads up who were looking and hopefully better versions will come out...

also only 320x240 is max resolution on both
like i said since they are new they are very buggy but i eventually got the first to work not the second... and they are kinda laggy compared to my laptop's camera in skype
I agree on the lag, probably not useable at this time. I'll wait for some updates first
Yeah, it seems like this is the only webcam app on Android. I'm willing to bet a whole bunch of people would pay for this kind of app. Buy webcam for $50? Or use existing phone?

I have no idea on how to install this program though. It gets a bit too techy for me :(
I got droidcam to work. Just follow the instructions on the website.
However, you will look like a smurf bc of some serious color hue errors.
I got droidcam to work. Just follow the instructions on the website.
However, you will look like a smurf bc of some serious color hue errors.
I got droidcam to work. Just follow the instructions on the website.
However, you will look like a smurf bc of some serious color hue errors.
hmm.. Didn't notice this post before, though I'd clear things up. I am the developer of DroidCam :rolleyes:

First, the blue tint was fixed a few days after releasing the app (ie a while ago). The update involves the windows module, you need to get the latest version of droidcam.dll - check the "Updating" post for a link and some info.

For the lag, after updating to froyo - with a good connection I have virtually no lag (@12 fps). Try not to ramp all settings up as high as they go. 320x240 is NOT the max, but the best resolution to use.

Is it video only, or does it use the phones mic for audio as well?
Video only. I have audio fully working, but none of the common apps (Skype, etc) recognize it. It needs to be redone - in a more complicated way.

it drives me crazy that Android Apps that tie into a computer are so rarely supported on Linux... :mad:

I will make a Linux client as soon as I'm done with the current set of updates. Windows was done first for obvious reasons.

DroidCam works flawlessly for me. I got it rolling in YouTube and Skype both.
What do you mean YouTube? Are you telling me it works with Flash for you? :eek:
Well first off, thank you for the great program! I can think of many uses for this app. I also got it working on VLC, by getting Skype to put the client in listen mode, and then pushing the stream through VLC. I have not been able to repeat my results, and I am scratching my head as to how I am going to make this work... I cant seem to get the client tray icon to pop up and wait for it to say connect, no matter what I do. Unless of course I use Skype to bring it up.... It would be really nice to just be able to start the client, or initiate it somehow with a script. Ill keep digging, again thanks! Can't wait for the Linux version!
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