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Using Nexus One

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No engraving, was too impatient to wait for it any longer.. as for Insurance, hardly seems worth it, even on a scheduled articles floater with lowered deductible, even if it were to be lost/stolen the premium increase wouldn't justify it for $600... just my 2cents on insurance..

hmmm...I lost my cell in the beginning of the year so I'm a bit paranoid if I'll lose my next cell (using a loaner atm). $600 is a lot (for a recent unemployed grad XD) and considering the biggest ticket item I bought was my laptop for double the price and I bought it with a 3 years warranty XD. I'm trying to do some research (what companies are charging and their terms) and wanted to see what are other people's opinions on it is. :)

Q: is scheduled articles floater the same as personal articles floater? :confused:


Roze - yeah, same as a personal articles floater. it would be great for peace of mind dependent upon what they would want for annual premiums, but having the claim is what would suck.

ps - I work in claims for an Insurance company :)
@ Wornick: found an interesting article about why you shouldn't buy insurance for your phone: Top 10 reasons not to insure your cell phone (Page 1 of 2)

The funny thing is, all of these things are true! I'm reading a forum that has a review on Asurion and everything stated in the article have been complaint about. Maybe I should just be extra EXTRA careful with the N1 when (if) I get it.

On a side note, how's the batter life for the N1? If you don't mind, can you tell me your various usage of the phone before it dies, and/or how much battery is left by the end of the day. I would love to hear feedbacks from everyone who currently owns the N1 as well. :) This was one of the 'big' issues on the N1 forum: Battery Life. Why I'm *double* asking is that I feel maybe the AT&T/Rogers N1 is different from the T-Mobile's version other than the GSM frequency band. Correct me if I'm wrong :)

Wornick - Thanks for the helpful info re: speech to Text! Also I'd love to root my N1 as well, but have no clue on how to do it, and not confident enough to try. I don't want to brick my phone!! Any help with this would be extremly helpful, as I've noticed that you rooted yours...

Pir8 -I'm with Rogers and have not had any of the issues with incoming calls that you mentioned!! My N1 is working flawlessly right now!!!

Let me know how things work out with yours, and your issues


I think this was an isolated incidence as I have not experienced it again. I don't think it is a Nexus One issue anyways, most likely the SIM card and/or Rogers
Oh just just out of curiosity, how many of you got your N1 engraved when you ordered it (since you can't return it for the full refund if you do) and did you insure it? :)


I engraved mine and still got it in two days.

Pir8 - haven't had any problems with mine on Rogers, been working great. Been using it since the 25th. Rooted mine the first night I had it and have been switching between the Cyanogen & Desire roms :)

Once you root it, can you revert back to the stock ROM? I may be getting another free Nexus One, I was thinking of using that as my development phone which I can hack and load whatever ROM on it.
Once you root it, can you revert back to the stock ROM? I may be getting another free Nexus One, I was thinking of using that as my development phone which I can hack and load whatever ROM on it.

I think there are stock ROMs out there but you can't relock the bootloader. It must be unlocked to put custom ROMs and the boot screen shows an icon of an open lock. That icon can't be removed... yet. As much as I like what I see with the alternate ROMs, I haven't felt like taking the plunge quite yet.
As much as I like what I see with the alternate ROMs, I haven't felt like taking the plunge quite yet.

Same here. I really want to put Cyanogen on there, but I also want to have a stock phone to use on a day to day basis. Hope I get the free Nexus One, then I can hack it to death. :)
jonno2k is right, at this time once you unlock the bootloader it's unlocked. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before they can relock it though.

Alfredjms & pir8 - I couldn't imagine not having my phone rooted! That's just me though. If you do decide to take the plunge there are all sorts of great tutorials over on Modaco & XDA. With these newer Nexus's they have the most up to date radio so there is no need to flash that which is where you run the risk of bricking anything. All that needs be done is unlock the bootloader (the phone was designed to have this done), I then flashed Superboot from the Modaco and was done. did a full wipe from the recovery and flashed the Cyanogen rom :) I'm sure the stock rom ran well, I just never gave it a chance, I was going through root withdrawal after the Rogers downgrade incident.
Wornick - If I were to install a custom ROM, how easy/hard is it to revert back to the stock? What's involved? Feel free to Private Message me, to avoid hijacking the thread. :)
Wornick - Roughly how long did it take you, and do you find that your N1 performs 100% better now?? What are the pros, and cons(if any)??


Wornick - Roughly how long did it take you, and do you find that your N1 performs 100% better now?? What are the pros, and cons(if any)??



Took me about an hour to do the root, most of which was spent reading various posts on how to do it and the comments to see what, if any issues people encountered. I cannot really comment on the performance gains of it now, I may of used my Nexus of 30mins prior to rooting it. I find it's working very well, I do use setCPU to underclock it to save on battery consumption to help me get through the day. The biggest pros for me would have to be the wireless tether app and setCPU, both of which required root. There are other things, but those were some of my initial biggest reasons, just having the recovery menu to be able to flash roms and perform nand backups of them so you can run whatever your mood feels like using is great. As for cons.. we'll I don't have any, I wouldn't have probably even booted up the phone before rooting it if my wife hadn't wanted to see what the big fuss was about for this phone :)

Hope this answers some of your questions.
Can you post the links(which you found were by far the easiest to follow), for a newbie like myself( A beginners step by step guide)? I would like to attempt to root my N1, but am new to this and seriuosly don't want to brick my phone!

N1's touch is less accurate than magic or dream. this is quite disturbing especially when i am typing or playing game.
So I'm one of the lucky individuals who was mailed a free N1 as a gift from Google for registering for the annual Google IO conference. I received the phone 2 days ago, and moved my SIM card from my iPhone to the N1 yesterday. No 3G. I am stuck at EDGE. After much investigation, I discovered that the phone they sent to Canadians is the T-Mobile version which won't get 3G on any Canadian carrier except for Wind.

Since I'm on a plan with Rogers, looks like I'm back to the iPhone. Very strange decision to send the T-Mobile phone to us Canucks though...
So I'm one of the lucky individuals who was mailed a free N1 as a gift from Google for registering for the annual Google IO conference. I received the phone 2 days ago, and moved my SIM card from my iPhone to the N1 yesterday. No 3G. I am stuck at EDGE. After much investigation, I discovered that the phone they sent to Canadians is the T-Mobile version which won't get 3G on any Canadian carrier except for Wind.

Since I'm on a plan with Rogers, looks like I'm back to the iPhone. Very strange decision to send the T-Mobile phone to us Canucks though...

Call/email Google to see if you can send the phone back and get it replaced with the AT&T version. :)
It wasn't a decision to send the AWS version to just Canadians. Every person who registered for the Google IO conference got the same device, except those in the US who ended up getting the Droid.

I have an email from Google IO support team confirming this. I also got an AWS version.
I have an email from Google IO support team confirming this. I also got an AWS version.

I got the same email from Google when I enquired. Ahh well, back to the iPhone. I've handed the N1 to the wife who will use it as a phone with WiFi and no data plan.
I got the same email from Google when I enquired. Ahh well, back to the iPhone. I've handed the N1 to the wife who will use it as a phone with WiFi and no data plan.

Haha that's how I'm using my Nexus... since I spent all of my money on the phone I am unable to afford the data plan XD
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