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[Verizon] Opinions please! - another GNex or GS3?


Android Enthusiast
Need some opinions here! My GNex took a swim and died while on vacation. Big Red is offering me another GNex for free or an SG3 for $99 as a replacement if I renew my contract. What do you think? I'm leaning towards another GNex 'cause I have a lot of accessories for it already. As ALWAYS, all thoughts appreciated!
Need some opinions here! My GNex took a swim and died while on vacation. Big Red is offering me another GNex for free or an SG3 for $99 as a replacement if I renew my contract. What do you think? I'm leaning towards another GNex 'cause I have a lot of accessories for it already. As ALWAYS, all thoughts appreciated!

Well, you DO have accessories already for the GNex. And, by going with the GNex, you are going with what you know. It's familiarity. The old tried and true...


The GS3 is a highly innovative phone, still ahead of its time in many ways. There are so many reasons to get the S3, I can't even begin to start! It is a very fun phone to have. I'm so glad I went with one. I'm even hesitant to upgrade in July. I want to get as much out of the phone as I can.

Go with the S3 and sell your GNex accessories on eBay as a bundle. You won't be sorry. I know I didn't give many reasons (mainly because I'm tired after a long day), but trust me, it is worth it. I do 99% of my work on it. My computer and Kindle Fire HD are gathering dust. Literally.

You won't regret it, man. Get the S3.
Put the two side-by-side and let your heart tell you....
... or just go with the one that has the better (bigger) screen. :D
Need some opinions here! My GNex took a swim and died while on vacation. Big Red is offering me another GNex for free or an SG3 for $99 as a replacement if I renew my contract. What do you think? I'm leaning towards another GNex 'cause I have a lot of accessories for it already. As ALWAYS, all thoughts appreciated!
If you renew your contract, do you keep unlimited data? That would be my first concern. Nexus guy here but if you neither have or need unlimited, then GS3 is a solid choice.
I do have a question for you though. You said they've offered a Gnex for free, or SIII for 99 bucks with renewal. I assume you mean that the GNex would ALSO be a renewal situation? I've never heard of them offering a "free" replacement under warranty for water damage. That would be an insurance claim if you have it, and would cost you $100 anyway. That said...

Seeing as the SIII is $99 online anyway, it's not like they're doing you any favors by offering that price to you. And the S4 is only $199, so if you HAVE to upgrade, I'd try to come up with the extra and go that way if you can. But like jmar said, if you have the older unlimited data plan, doing any renewal, regardless of phone model, is going to change that. So, depending on how much data you use, that could come into play. If you're already on tiered, then I'd say try to hold out for at least the S4, if you can. If not, might as well go with the SIII since it's a tad above the GNex as an all-around phone. I love my Nexus, wouldn't give it up for anything out yet (Full price for me, yuck), but I wouldn't lock in another contract term renewing on a phone that's already been out for that long.
Yeah, If they're making you renew a contract then I wouldn't pick either phone. I'd go for something newer like the DNA or GS4. If you want to keep your unlimited data, try buying used. Speaking of which, I was actually about to put a gnex on sale here pretty soon.
I don't have unlimited data (have that 4GB for 2GB which I am under the impression that they will let me keep), and they are asking me to renew my contract. I have three phones on my plan, so my upgrades are staggered enough that I could transfer one if need be.

Maybe I should just buy another GNex used if the price is right. BTW are there any major changes to the GS4 over the GS3 that justify the extra Benjamin?
Better processor, 13MP camera over the 8MP in the S3 with pretty decent reviews on it, along with other features like ir blaster the air gestures. Radios seem about the same though from what I read.
You'll likely spend just about as much on a used Gnex as you would on the new phones. So unless you're holding out for the Moto-X or whatever comes next (whenever that's gonna be), might as well jump it. As for the SIII v S4...When the SIII came out, the reviews I read were that it was a "bit" of an improvement over the Nexus..the S4 has gotten a lot more glowing favor from articles I've seen. Camera is supposed to be quite good, and it's pretty darn snappy as phones go. As of right now, if I HAD to replace my Nexus, that'd be the only one out there that I think I'd aim for. You'll notice a bigger jump going to that, than the SIII
If you're going to get a new contract, I personally wouldn't get another gnex with the upgrade.

The newest devices are really leaps and bounds improved (as they almost always are vs a phone 2 years older, that's not a knock against any device).

I'd say either get a used gnex with no contract or look into the s4 or htc one.

Since the new nexus will be out this fall, you might also want to check out looking into switching companies and going with the new nexus or a nexus 4

I guess it depends how committed you are to staying aosp
My plan is to seriously check into the GSM version of a Nexus device when it's time for me to renew. I don't use much data so the minimal data plan works for me. I'm still on the unlimited plan. GSM devices have better battery life than LTE.
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