For those if you that are like
grossie and have CC charged, status changed, but no FedEx tracking number yet:
OK this might work, it might not. The reference number Verizon is using for the shipments is based on the Order location and Order number (NOT the preorder number).
Go to
Verizon Status with your preorder number (or look at you order confirmation email the day you ordered).
Get the Order Location and Order Number
Go to
Track by Reference page.
Leave Account number blank
For reference number try:
LLLLLLL_00NNNNNNN where the Ls are your Order Location, then underscore and 2 zeros, and the Ns are the Order Number. My order number was 7 digits. If your's was 6 you might try adding another zero and try again.
Fill in Destination country and Destination zip code.
Let me know if this works, or if I'm just wasting your time.
No, there have been initiatives in the past, but none currently. And as I've said before, at my station we NEVER get Verizon packages in early, they always arrive the day they are to be delivered. Verizon ships ALL the time, and they've got the FedEx system figured out.