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Verizon software update VS98011A just pushed

Les Common

Oct 29, 2009
Phone just beeped at me and said there was a system update.

Gave a url of www.verizonwireless.com\g2support for info. URL's bad.

But, being the forward-thinking and somewhat trusting kinda guy I am, I ok'd it.

* * *

No obvious differences after a few minutes of poking around.

Didn't address my two peeves: FoxFi still don't work. Riptide GP2 still has annoying lags.

But I'm patient. They'll get worked out. (Heck, I waited on the Bionic and it eventually stabilized.)

And I still love my gorgeous speedy new phone.

Aaaarrrrrrrrrr.... Still 4.2.2. (it *is* talklikeapirateday, yknow...)

Kinda wish I didn't have to work so I could poke around more.

But do gotta work.

Not rooted either before (or after... heh) update)

Will post any noticed differences if I a) bump into them and b) recognize them as different. Still kinda settling in to the device.

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I dont' recommend updating as root but if any rooted vzw user HAS accepted this update, would you fire up root explorer and provide some info please? Goto /system/build.prop then long press and view as text. At line starting ro.build.fingerprint please advise on the 10 digit number directly before "user release keys" toward the end of the string. Thanks.
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