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Verizon spare battery charging kit?


Android Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2010
Howdy gang-

New Nexus owner here. I purchased the vzw "spare battery charging kit" with the phone. So far, thru about a half a dozen charges I have only gotten one battery to charge to a green light. Most of the time, they charge for an hour or two, then give me a blinking orange light. When I put the battery in the phone, it only shows about half charge or so. This is with both the battery that came in the phone and the extra battery that came in the charger. The one green light charge I did get, was when I pulled an orange blinker out, put it in my phone, saw about 42% charge, and put it back in the charger. It charged for another hour or three, then went green. When I put that battery back in my phone, it shows about 86% charge - still not full.

A week in, I am ready to go back to VZW and swap chargers. But is this a charger issue, or a battery issue? My phone charges to 98% no problem, so I am guessing the batteries are not the problem...

Also -Anyone still have the instructions from the charger? What does the orange blinking light mean?

I've left the battery on the charger overnight every night since i got it a week ago. This does not help. After playing with it today, it looks like after i get the orange blinker, if i remove the battery wait a few seconds, then drop it back in, it will charge to green... still does not seem right. Seems like it should charge to green without having to do this two step...
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are the extended batteries 24.99 in a VZW store also. I know they are online. I have one extended and would like another.
I need one of those chargers too. The on online does regular and extended. Is that the one that had the problem?


as of last week they were still $24.99 in the stores.

my extended battery sucks though. i may have to exchange it. i got about 6 hours on 3g only, not much screen on time either. but it may have been my ROM/kernal Combo. my CPU awake time was rediculous.
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This happens to mine sometimes when I am charging a battery in the charger while charging my Thunderbolt with the other connector simultaneously. It hasn't done it with my GNex + simultaneous battery charging. Also, it doesn't do it when charging a battery alone either. This is using the AC power adapter>USB cable>Y- cable>charger configuration. All of my batteries charge completely, though.
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Yes, the VZW store had the extended batteries for $24.99. Charger took it to 86% with a green light. Also charged the two regular batteries to a green light. So, looks like I got a bad charger the first time.

Also using the extended battery today for the first time, so far it looks good, but I "topped it off" while transferring some music to the phone.

Thanks, Ya'll
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