I have a Motorola Droid running 2.2, pushed from Verizon. I have installed Flash Player from Market. I'm having a problem with content from Olivesoftware (my local newspaper in digital format) and content from Zinio (PC Magazine digital edition) displaying properly. I go to the site, log in and the content downloads and initially displays correctly for a couple of seconds. Then, I get a white screen with a gray circle in the center of it. In the center of the circle is a triangle. If I touch the triangle the content will reload and the process repeats, the page displays correctly for a couple of seconds and then back to gray circle and triangle. I can get the page to re-display two or three times and then the circle appears with an exclamation point in the center which no longer responds to a touch. At that point the only thing I can do is exit the site. Any ideas, explanations or fixes? Thanks in advance for taking the time to provide help.