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Root Verizon updates!!! :)


Android Enthusiast
I'm not sure how many of you have seen this but I came across it earlier today.

From Verizon insider:

Devices expected to be upgraded next month include:

DROID Incredible 2

#LG Spectrum


I asked my buddy who is a manager at Verizon if this means what I think it means. I could tell he was just as excited as me. He also uses a Thunderbolt as his personal phone. He answered my question with "Damn right it does!" and had a huge smile on his face. So yeah... Official ICS update coming soon to a phone near you. Fully working RIL and everything else! Its almost really time for the Developers to play! :)
id be pretty surprised if the TB saw ICS this soon. remember how long it took for gingerbread? ;) and we have not even seen any leaked builds yet.

the rezound has had some leaks,and they are far from release quality yet.

dont mean to rain on the parade,but knowing htc/vzw developement,unless theyre going to release builds without functional data arrows and flickering screens,were a few months away. :eek:
I'm thinking that IF we see an update then it will be similar to the Puerto Rico leak, sense 3.0 at best. not ics.
Well let's just all hope that my buddy does know something we don't. After all it is all over the place that the Thuderbolt will go Android 4.0 in 2012. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. I know I'm probably not going to take the update if it is true. I'll wait for a modded out ROM to see what ICS is really capable of. I'm running Infected Airborne with Sony UI and loving it at the moment anyway.
no offense meant toward your buddy,but folks in the stores rarely have real info about whats going on ;)

I'm thinking that IF we see an update then it will be similar to the Puerto Rico leak, sense 3.0 at best. not ics.

the TB will never see 3.0 in the us. it takes enuff engineering just to update android,they dont seem to consider it to be worth the effort to up the sense versions on existing devices. they tend to save new sense for new devices(they are really proud of their UI :eek:)

only reason foreign countrys see it as they tend to be very basic,and have little to no carrier bloat or branding. im currently running a european ICS rom on my sensation :D

it is true the TB and a handful of others will get ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich Updates: The North American Edition | Facebook buti expect it to be ALOT like gingerbread and take them forever to get it right. the rhyme and inc2 will prolly have it fairly quickly since they dont have to deal with LTE.

ive been running ICS sense roms on my rezound and sensation,and i have to admit,they are not as objectionable as i found froyo/gb roms to be. im pretty excited for an official ICS for my TB,but i dont expect it unil 3rd quarter at the soonest(just a guess. no inside scoops)
Actually you would be surprised what he does know. He is the management and device specialist in the technical support department. He's pretty much been dead on with his info. They do tend to get info before others so they will have an idea of bugs and questions to expect from customers on certain devices. Pretty much like basic training before you go to battle. But maybe everyone is right, it may be later on when they roll out official ICS for us. I guess only time will tell.
no offense meant toward your buddy,but folks in the stores rarely have real info about whats going on ;)

Pretty rude, even with the "no offense".

the TB will never see 3.0 in the us.

Is this your opinion or do you have some source?

For a forum member to pass on intel from a decent source and you to not only stomp on it, but then give your own opinions without any source other than yourself is just a little uncalled for.
Pretty rude, even with the "no offense".
it wasnt meant to discredit his buddy.and it doesnt change the fact that vzw employees are typically kept in the dark until the last possible minute. i was personally on the phone with a vzw customor service rep that knew nothing of the rezound 3 weeks before its anticipated release :eek:

ive also seen some really crazy claims folks have heard from vzw store employees who will tell you just about anything to get a sale(again,not putting the OPs buddy into this category)

OPs vzw manager buddy may have an inside source,but that doesnt change the validity of my statement. vzw employees typically do not have any real info.

Is this your opinion or do you have some source?

For a forum member to pass on intel from a decent source and you to not only stomp on it, but then give your own opinions without any source other than yourself is just a little uncalled for.

this is my opinion from being on this forum,and messing with over half dozen different htc devices for over a year.

i am truly sorry if it offended you,or anyone.

i just dont want folks to get hopes up for an official ics/sense 4.0 becasue it will never happen. there are lots of good sense 3.0 and 2.1/3.0 hybrids out there now,and when ICS leaks start appearing,there will be good roms based on that,and custom roms with sense 3.0+

when GB was originally announced,there was alot of confusion and misconception about what it would be,and alot of fustration,followed by disapointment for alot of folks that decided to wait it out for something official. there were no bells and whistles,just new android version. ics will be the same way,tho its pretty different from froyo/gb,so this time it will at least look a lil different ;)

im just trying to prevent a similar situation. i dont mean to discredit anyone,or stomp on anyones hopes. just trying to be realistic and get people to enjoy their phones now :)
As always its nice to have a dream but IMO, i dont see it being feasible within a month. I actually cant even believe its going to get it, the bolt is going on a year old now and i just find it hard to believe that they would 'waste' the time (if thats the correct words im looking for) to add ics to bolt.
Its nice that they said they are and much appreciated but i dont see their logic in doing so with an almost outdated piece of equipment.

Dont get me wrong, i love the bolt and will probably have it for some time cause i just dont see anything else comparable to it right now that I LIKE.

At any rate, as i say with anything else, i will believe it when i see it until then my bolt is running great and im happy with it.
And if and when it does come out, I won't even download the "official" release, but just flash a custom ICS ROM when they become available :rolleyes:
I can add some credence to what lude is saying. I work for Verizon indirect. And Corporate Verizon sent our account manager and Two tech device specialists to our store today. They both said ICS on the TBolt THIS month. I doubt it will be that soon as problems always arise, but the GOAL is to get it out by end of march.
I actually cant even believe its going to get it, the bolt is going on a year old now and i just find it hard to believe that they would 'waste' the time (if thats the correct words im looking for) to add ics to bolt.

its hard for me to believe,also. im with you i love my bolt still,even having newer phones to use.

im perfectly happy to get ICS in the form of cm9,or possibly rezound ports for the occasional sense experience :eek:

i never expecrted them to go forward with ICS,especially with all the trouble they had with gingerbread.
Well when it comes down to it, the TB is getting an official ICS update. As to exactly when we do not know, but it is getting it. It isn't a waste of time in HTC's eyes. They like to keep the customers happy and it will benefit them in the long run. You put ICS on the TB so people can get used to it, then they know what a great experience it would be on faster and better hardware, so they upgrade to a better HTC device. It's a win win for HTC and Verizon. A lot of times you have to look at things from a business perspective and this is definitely a money making update for our phones.
Yeah its far fetched to expect a release at the end of march when they just started testing of it on the phones. I cant see them to fix any problems that pops up and be ready for a release at the end of the month. Look at gingerbread at how many times it was pushed back due to more problems poping up. Heck froyo was the same way. Sorry people who run these stores dont know whats going on. As this is still in HTC court and verizon has no clue as to whats going on. Stores like to make it seem that they got their finger on the pulse of whats going on. Sadly they dont and to give an example I had a store tell me back in november that in the 1Q we would have 4g in our area and that it was confirmed. Well 1Q is coming to a close and no signs of 4g. Not even the tests people sees for like a few hours of 4g. How do I know we aint getting 4g in my area no time soon? I live in the middle of no where.

I agree best we can hope for is a leak of ICS from htc. I have ran liquids and Twisted ICS rom and the thing flies. Only thing holding them back is the RIL and camera/camcorder. So I hope this fixes some issues the bolt has been plauged with. I hope this fixes my dropped data issue all the time. I just love to go from 3g to nothing then 1x and back to 3g and have that happen for most the day.

So if a person that works in HTC development section is reading this. Throw us a bone lol.
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