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[Verizon] Which ROM is better...

Yeah, it would be nice if there was something more organized, but without a very controlled organizational structure, a larger group would probably result in more bureaucracy and slow down the releases (and probably reduce some of the features we are enjoying).

This is a really good point, as there seems to be a pretty direct correlation between team/organization size and slower updates. Individuals/small teams seem to have new ROMs and updates ready constantly, while CM9 has taken what, 2 months and some, since the GNex was released, and official updates from manufacturers take way longer than that. It seems counter-intuitive: you would think that more people working on it should get the work done faster, but in practice, that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
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Over in the OG Droid forum, there use to be a sticky where users could give ROMs ratings and reviews...why don't we do something like that here?

Staff would gladly support you on this.

I'd recommend a rom poll, if new roms come along, send a PM to your favorite mod (or me, LoL :D) and we can always update your poll for you to show new roms, etc.

Then, have that OP have links to the various threads for each rom, if you like.

Then users could chime in with their star ratings.... anything you can think of to try with our existing tools and format, we'll support you.

If the idea flies, we can point the root sticky rom list to that thread.

It's our forums, so make it how you like. :)

If you need further capabilities, please drop a thread into our Suggestion Box forum - Phases listens to you.
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This is a really good point, as there seems to be a pretty direct correlation between team/organization size and slower updates. Individuals/small teams seem to have new ROMs and updates ready constantly, while CM9 has taken what, 2 months and some, since the GNex was released, and official updates from manufacturers take way longer than that. It seems counter-intuitive: you would think that more people working on it should get the work done faster, but in practice, that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Large teams sometimes learn the hard way that 9 women can't have a baby in 1 month, and when 8 others step in to help, the 1 trying often takes longer to get started making any progress. ;) :)
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Staff would gladly support you on this.

I'd recommend a rom poll, if new roms come along, send a PM to your favorite mod (or me, LoL :D) and we can always update your poll for you to show new roms, etc.

Then, have that OP have links to the various threads for each rom, if you like.

Then users could chime in with their star ratings.... anything you can think of to try with our existing tools and format, we'll support you.

If the idea flies, we can point the root sticky rom list to that thread.

It's our forums, so make it how you like. :)

If you need further capabilities, please drop a thread into our Suggestion Box forum - Phases listens to you.


So... who wants to set it up? :D
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