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Help Video Teardown of Photon 4G


Android Expert
Apr 3, 2010
Came across a video teardown of the Photon and I thought I would share it with all you MoPhos :D
I love seeing the inner workings of expensive technology, and I'm sure alot of you do too.

Do yourself a huge favor and mute the audio right after you start the video. Unless of course you like bad dance music, in that case then have a ball.
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Interesting. Does iFixit have a history of withholding teardowns at the manufacturer's request?

I'm sure it's all about phones with hype/popularity associated with them. I'm sure the Galaxy S2 will get a teardown within 24 hours of it's release if not sooner. With the google money machine behind them now I'm sure moto's future phone releases will get the appropriate amount of publicity.
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I'm sure it's all about phones with hype/popularity associated with them. I'm sure the Galaxy S2 will get a teardown within 24 hours of it's release if not sooner. With the google money machine behind them now I'm sure moto's future phone releases will get the appropriate amount of publicity.

Edlex hit the nail on the head. They seem to only teardown and do a detailed guide for the hottest phones of the season. Usually the ones with the most publicity and media buzz behind them.

I had hoped for a long while for an Evo 3D teardown from them (they did the EVO 4G when it released) but much to my dismay I found a link to their forum where one of the employees stated that they probably wouldn't do a teardown for the 3D. Maybe someone can ask if they will do the Photon 4G and get a definitive answer? Although, since they haven't done one right out of the gate near release I'm gonna guess they probably won't do one.

iFixit forum thread: http://meta.ifixit.com/View/2030/Will+you+guys+tear+down+the+EVO+3D
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