Do not decline calls, either use the volume rocker to silence the call or take the call and hit 2 on the keypad to send them directly to Google Voice voice mail.
As someone else suggested, if you just don't answer the call, GV voicemail will answer instead of VM voicemail. If you press "Decline" on the phone while it's still ringing, then it will go to VM voicemail.
Not sure how this works for you, but it does not work for me.
My phone rings 4 times, VM voicemail picks up. Does not matter if I answer or not, VM voicemail picks up before google voice
If I decline call, it goes to VM voicemail, not google voice
I was able to have VM disable voicemail on the Evo V 4G. Standard attempts did not work, but I was able to get a tech that tried a few more things. He was able to disable Voicemail in "MBNO" which is one of their support tools. So when calling to disable voicemail, tell them "Disable Voicemail in MBNO"
This does not fix my issue though, as now it just gives a message that the voicemailbox is not recognized. Google voice still never picks up
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