I've recently switched the carrier on my ZTE Awe from Virgin Mobile to Ting. I'm very happy with the move so far, but there is one limitation that I'm hoping to overcome. Virgin Mobile doesn't offer any roaming at all, so the roaming options on the phone aren't even available. When I go to System Settings>>Mobile network settings all I see is an option to check or uncheck "Data enabled." Ting, however does offer roaming, but because it was blocked by Virgin, it still didn't work after making the switch. Someone in Ting's help forums mentioned that they had luck flashing the ROM on their device, so I did the same. I'm now running the L Awe ROM, but I'm still not seeing any new roaming options on my phone. I haven't yet traveled to an out of network location to see if the roaming actually works or not, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it won't since none of the roaming options appeared. Anyone have any experience with this or have any suggestions for me?