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VM shut down randomly


Nov 3, 2012
Yes, it is not the charging port issue from my Triumph. I have 3 battery and they are full. Last time I checked my phone the battery was 80% full. Somehow the phone shut down by itself and I thought it was frozen. I try to start it again..nothing is working. Then , I took out the battery and wait a few secs. Still nothing...then I switched different battery and nope nothing is working. My phone worked fine without issues. What could be this issue?

I've pressed the power - down - up buttons to enter the usb and still nothing.

Any suggestions on this piece of wonderful crap phone? :)
Yes, it is not the charging port issue from my Triumph. I have 3 battery and they are full. Last time I checked my phone the battery was 80% full. Somehow the phone shut down by itself and I thought it was frozen. I try to start it again..nothing is working. Then , I took out the battery and wait a few secs. Still nothing...then I switched different battery and nope nothing is working. My phone worked fine without issues. What could be this issue?

I've pressed the power - down - up buttons to enter the usb and still nothing.

Any suggestions on this piece of wonderful crap phone? :)

I would say it might be possible for it to be a number of different things, but if I were to take a guess, if ur sure the batteries are charged ur power button may have broke which would stop you from starting the phone, going into recovery and going to download mode, why the phone originally shut off is a toss up, most commonly 2 things, flash didn't fully take and something bumping heads, rouge app has been able to take control

Also holding power, volume up and volume down is recovery

Just power and volume down I think is download mode, I may be wrong on the volume, its been way to long since I've had to do it

Secondary also, with lithium batteries you can break them by over charging them, and you can also break them by letting them be way to drained for too long
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I would say it might be possible for it to be a number of different things, but if I were to take a guess, if ur sure the batteries are charged ur power button may have broke which would stop you from starting the phone, going into recovery and going to download mode, why the phone originally shut off is a toss up, most commonly 2 things, flash didn't fully take and something bumping heads, rouge app has been able to take control

Also holding power, volume up and volume down is recovery

Just power and volume down I think is download mode, I may be wrong on the volume, its been way to long since I've had to do it

Secondary also, with lithium batteries you can break them by over charging them, and you can also break them by letting them be way to drained for too long

I can't offer any new suggestions but I can supplement what Tokens has said. Tokens is correct about the volume/power button combinations:

Volume Down + Power = Download Mode (for connecting to PC and changing Recovery.img, Splash.img, etc.)

Volume Up & Down + Power = Recovery Mode (CWM, TWRP, etc.)

As far as the battery goes, you most definitely can toast your battery by "over-draining" it. The phone has a built-in safeguard against excessive battery drain. That's why your phone will shut down automatically when the battery may still have 2% or 3% remaining charge. When you are in Recovery Mode this safeguard is NOT in place, as it is a function of the OS itself. I make frequent Nandroid backups of my phone, and more than once I have fallen asleep while backup is running (hey, don't laugh I work a lot LOL) only to wake up and find my phone completely dead. Usually after a little while on the charger I was able to finally reboot my phone. A couple months ago this happened and even after about 15 hours on the charger my phone would still not boot. I ended up having to go to Batteries Plus and shelling out over $40 for a replacement battery. Certainly I could have ordered one from Amazon or eBay, but I can't be without my phone for that long. Just thought I'd share this info for anyone reading it.

In your case, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that all of your spare batteries went to sh*t at the same time, so I am inclined to agree that your power button has probably gone bad.
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