I can barely fit all my MP3s on the G-Nex4. Not all users fit into the same cookie cutter mold. Do you actually get 16GB usable, or is it more like...16GB total for everything including the OS.
My new Galaxy S3 has 16GB of internal and there's only like 11GB usable out the box. My MP3 collection is over 8GB and growing every week, popping a 32GB card in there sure helps a lot. I wouldn't have much room left with the GNEX4. I would like to have one (specs look good on paper), but it's not the phone for me...google is big time on cloud storage...which I am 100% against. I don't like to rely on a connection to get my media.
Agreed. I would not buy a phone (or a tablet) without expandable memory. What about people who like to watch movies or other videos, which use up a lot of memory, and are traveling or in other circumstances where they want to carry a bunch of movies with them? SD cards have become so cheap, that is very affordable to buy a bunch high capacity cards to store a video collection. I also would not rely entirely on cloud storage. It's great to have as an option, but I do not want to rely on it as the sole means of accessing the majority of my media.