I was thinking about switching to Verizon and was looking for a way to save some money on my monthly bill when I stumbled across the "Employee Discount" program that Verizon has with some companies. My current employer has no discount program with Verizon, but my ex-employer does (15%). I still have access to my old corporate e-mail and decided to go to the Verizon discount page and check to see if my e-mail worked. Sure enough I got a reply from Verizon confirming I "may" be eligible for discounts. I proceeded and on the surface it looks like I can sign up for service this way with the discount (15% off service, 25% off accessories). I know that if you go into a Verizon store to use this employee discount you have to verify with an old paystub or ID. Can someone tell me if you sign up via the web like I am thinking about doing does Verizon still ask for other documentation to verify your employment?