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Wait 4 Orange to sort things out or Root??

Mozzer x10

Sep 20, 2010
What do you guys think Waiting for Orange 2.3.3 is like the X10 update fiasco... totally frustrating.

Really Tempted to Root via Gingerbreak but cannot find a Idiots guide to do this. the XDA one is not clear enough for a Noob like me. Any one seen a decent all singing step by step??

really dont know where to start.
I didn't think the Android OS update was anything to do with the network carrier, so what why did you have to wait ?

On my recently purchased Tesco PAYG Xperia Arc (bought a month ago) I was prompted to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.3 via Android Market/Google and I did this via a Wifi connection. And I was automatically upgraded to the latst phone Build (4.0.A.2.368) via my Sony Ericsson PC Companion, which prompted me to upgrade when I connected to my home PC via USB.

The phone was locked to Tesco mobile when I did the 2.3.3 upgrade and then unlocked and using my Orange account when I did the phone version upgrade. In both cases, the network provider had nothing to do with these upgrades, and doesn't know anything about my phone. Orange doesn't even know I moved the SIM from my old Samsung phone into this new Arc.
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