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Root Wallpaper Launcher issues

Jaay Dogg

Android Expert
Aug 27, 2011
Prescott, Az
Ok I'm trying to add custom wallpapers to the launcher2.apk that's found inside g60madman's CM7, it has a bunch of wallpapers in the launcher, I tried to replace them & they don't work ? Why ? Shouldn't it be just some resizing of jpeg's to match the file size of the one's already inside the launcher2. I'm confused don't know why it's not working ? Anybody know what's up with this ?
Ok I'm trying to add custom wallpapers to the launcher2.apk that's found inside g60madman's CM7, it has a bunch of wallpapers in the launcher, I tried to replace them & they don't work ? Why ? Shouldn't it be just some resizing of jpeg's to match the file size of the one's already inside the launcher2. I'm confused don't know why it's not working ? Anybody know what's up with this ?

You also need to update the XML if you are decompiling, or building from source to list the wallpaper located in res/drawable-hdpi/

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Well I just decompiled the launcher 2 with apk manager erased the wallpapers & added my mine then recompiled & it showed them this time, did apk manager edit the XML's for me ? Looks like it would work now not sure though ?

You should have to edit the XML but it's possible it may read from the directory if none of the named objects in the XML can be found. I didn't dive that deep in the code when I built it for CM7 just added my new wall papers and edited the XML to list the right wall papers and was done with it. If it works, then it works :D
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You want to look in the Device Tree under motorola/triumph/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res and then put wallpaper JPG in drawable folder and edit config XML in Values folder. Will need to change line for "default_wallpaper_component" from Nexus to @null to use the JPG the drawable or change to another live wallpaper. Otherwise if you are decompiling the Framework-res.apk it is line 27 in the values/string XML.
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