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Wanted: Hardcore MMORPG with real content!

Need some help. Been struggling for years, now...
I'm looking for a QUALITY MMORPG with deep character customization. Requirements, you ask? I have one or two...
- No energy/stamina that requires time to fill. I want a hardcore, not casual, game.
- Minimal graphics. Nothing that runs too heavy on resources, and lacks real imagination. Retro graphics, or even text-based works!
- Fantasy-themed... Dragons, elves, magic, undead, swords, etc...
- Addictive! Not like sugar, but like crack.
- Large and consistent, or small and growing, community.
- Must have PvP. I wanna compete against humans, not poorly made AI....
Can anyone throw me some ideas? I'll join your guild, PK your enemies, whatever... Just help me out, here. Any, and I mean any, help, is appreciated. Thank you, in advance.
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